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Messages - Stef

19 February 2017, 01:27:36 AM
Quote from: cherritard on 19 February 2017, 12:05:17 AM
ive paid for the gold membership, not getting any email in folder or spam. wont allow me to host a game or join either. any suggestions? thank you!

Sorry, you should either have it now or get it in the next 5 min.
Feature Requests / Re: Escapers
15 February 2017, 01:28:54 AM
You can play 1 game at most. Indeed the only way "to get rid of the reconnect" is by some form of resigning.

(exceptions are when you have multiple accounts, or right after a release. Then you can have a game on the old version and another one on the new)
Support / Re: Undo request undid 10+ turns
14 February 2017, 01:19:37 PM
Quote from: WhiteRabbit1981 on 14 February 2017, 12:41:46 PM
Are you sure you didnt hit undo ten times accicentally? Something similar happend to me:

No, this is actually a bug.
yes, off course we need that list... and nicely searchable too.
Announcements / Re: Releases
13 February 2017, 08:21:20 PM
Version 1.1.1

most new things are around Band of Misfits and Overlord
they should now rename correctly in play while keeping their image, also after undo/reconnect.

card fixes:

  • ironmonger now uses reveal zone
  • charm gain is now optional
interface fixes:

  • events/landmarks are removed from the name a card list
  • player ordering fixed when not enough players
reload game fixes:

  • you can reload some games that gave 'internal error'
  • reloading with decision 0 should get you to the start of the game, and the last decision is the one before the end
kingdom generator fixes:

  • selecting 10 kingdom cards and some events/landmarks should work again
  • selecting bane, then removing young witch no longer gives you an 11 card kingdom
Support / Re: Transition
13 February 2017, 05:55:34 PM
Quote from: Mastergerund on 12 February 2017, 12:16:36 AM
I and several family members had paid accounts before transition and none of us got the welcome email to setup or new logins correctly. Please help by pm. I will not publicly post the emails.

This is surprising... the email you used to register at the forum here did receive a transition email, and also used it on Jan. 2nd.

Regardless, you were interested in more accounts, and if you PM me some personal info (like username, email) I will look them up for you.
General Discussion / Re: Reloading an old game
13 February 2017, 05:47:16 PM
Quote from: SaintO on 13 February 2017, 05:37:02 PM
Hi Stef, I tried loading the old game as you suggested to take a crack at the puzzle but it will only load to decision 265 and immediately takes me to a win screen, which seems to be random. Can you provide any assistance as to how to make sure I'm "taking over Marins perspective" and any feedback on why it's not letting me start at an earlier point in the game?

Decision 265 is indeed the end of that game, so you'll go straight to the end screen (this behaviour will change in tonight's release).

After selecting the game, you have to change the decision to 207. Sorry it's a bit awkward, but you have to type in the game number again and 207, then hit 'load game'.
Card Bugs / Re: Outpost in Possession turn
13 February 2017, 03:13:26 PM
Quote from: majiponi on 13 February 2017, 02:48:33 PM
When I play Outpost in the first turn I possessed, I take an extra turn. That's ok. The problem is...

I cannot take a regular turn directly after that turn, in which I played a Possession.
I can take another extra turn when I play Outpost in the regular turn, which is after the extra turn I took because of the Outpost during the possessed turn.

Hi Majiponi,

Sorry, possibly I don't understand what you're saying.
But the rule is "extra turns always go first; only when there are no extra turns left we go back to regular turns".

I don't know if that is new information for you, or if there is still a bug.
Can you please add a game number so I can reload that game?
oops, sorry. I assumed it would be fixed now that BoM actually renames, but the problem here is that in my implementation of Treasure map checks for the two names after the trashing happens.

Reading the card I would actually think that's correct but apparently Donald ruled otherwise so I'll just add some code that makes it remember its name before trashing.
Other Bugs / Re: Load Log "Internal Error"
11 February 2017, 05:57:37 PM
it does not depend on the creation date, but on the kingdom. The deserialization of some games fails, sorry. Will be fixed in the next release.
Support / Re: Platinums and Colonies
11 February 2017, 01:19:31 PM
Quote from: WileyECoyote on 11 February 2017, 04:02:07 AM
I have this problem too and its very annoying. I've even selected Prosperity cards to be in the kingdom, and Platinums/Colonies don't show. What gives?

In the kingdom selector there is a field "Colonies: ???". Those question marks are either Yes, No or Random.

If you set it to random, it will first generate your kingdom, then take a random card from your kingdom, and use Colonies if this random card was from Prosperity. If you set it to yes or no, you will just end up with/without colonies regardless of the rest of the kingdom.
General Discussion / Re: Reloading an old game
10 February 2017, 06:56:00 PM
Quote from: allanfieldhouse on 10 February 2017, 06:51:04 PM
Thanks for the update! I especially appreciate the "it isn't very user friendly yet" part so that we know it's still definitely a work-in-progress.

I'll try out that Marin turn, but didn't you say in Discord that the turn lasted a half hour or something?

Yes it's a very complicated puzzle. Yesterday we failed (which is why the solution isn't in the log you're loading, even if you use a decision number >207) and today it took me another half an hour of puzzling before finding a winning line. Certainly don't go for this one if you're looking for an easy puzzle. Hopefully other people can start posting some puzzles too now.
Connection Problems / Re: Client Is too,old?
10 February 2017, 06:46:10 PM
ok, I googled it for you and it depends on the browser you're using. Assuming it's safari:

How do you clear the cache on an iPad?
To clear the cache on your iPad, take the following steps. These also work on an iPhone: In the Settings app, tap Safari, and you will see options to Clear History and Clear Cookies and Data. You can use these options as a first step in cleaning up your Safari browser.

If you use a different browser, please google something like "ipad clear cache chrome"
Connection Problems / Re: Client Is too,old?
10 February 2017, 06:16:22 PM
can you try just reloading the page? (forget about the ctrl)

In most browsers, ctrl-reload forces your cache to clear.