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Messages - Davio

Oh I hadn't really thought about that, I thought that a buy phase automatically came with a buy.

So using Villa as a way (most of the time) just negates the extra buy that you get. You'd think that the extra buy was tied to the buy phase while it's actually tied to the Villa.

Glad we got that cleared up.  :o
It's in one of these games:

Joining game #98002645 on tokyo.
Joining game #98002706 on tokyo.

This was my turn:
Turn 4 - Davio
D plays 2 Coppers and a Silver. (+$4)
D buys and gains a Villa.
D puts a Villa into their hand.
D gets +1 Action.
D plays a Villa using Way of the Mole.
D gets +1 Action.
D discards 2 Estates.
D shuffles their deck.
D draws a Copper, an Estate, and a Junk Dealer.
D plays a Junk Dealer.
D draws a Copper.
D gets +1 Action.
D gets +$1.
D trashes an Estate.
D plays 2 Coppers. (+$2)
D draws 2 Coppers, a Silver, and 2 Estates.

I had expected to get an extra buy phase because buying the Villa had returned me to my action phase. Where I put the ===-line is where I should have been able to buy cards, but it just skipped it and continued to the clean-up phase.

I don't know whether this interaction is caused by Villa or Way of the Mole, the Junk Dealer didn't matter.
AI bugs / Wolf Den and Castles
14 March 2022, 02:59:09 PM
Lord Rattington bought 3 Castles with Wolf Den in play (which gives -2VP for each unique card) which may not have been a good strategy. :)
Feature Requests / Re: Rule change: Druid
28 February 2022, 07:10:20 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 28 February 2022, 06:34:16 PM
Note that this is an implementation of an existing IRL card game, so it is bound to follow that game. And sometimes, you'll have to weigh the cheap +1 Buy Druid gives vs. the need to actually follow a Boon.
I understand, but there have been some rules changes in the past, so this seemed like something which makes the online experience smoother while having almost no effect in the physical game.
Feature Requests / Rule change: Druid
28 February 2022, 03:56:34 PM
Druid's text reads:

+1 Buy

Receive one of the set-aside boons, (leaving it there).

Sometimes, the boons are not that interesting and I just care about the +Buy.
But to do that I need to choose one of the boons which has "you may" in its text and just do nothing.

Would it be a good idea to revise it so that the text becomes:

You may receive one of the set-aside boons, (leaving it there).
How to Play / Re: Dominion: Allies rules?
28 February 2022, 12:13:08 PM
Oh I totally forgot that forum although I used to be a regular there, thanks, I'll check it out over there.

Just played a fun game with Underling, Broker and League of Bankers which combo'd off pretty quickly. I ended the game with 24 favor tokens which meant an automatic +$6 each buy phase! If you can trash all of your Estates for favors quickly, you get 6 tokens, then just make sure to play Underlings twice and you already have +$2 each buy phase. :)
How to Play / Dominion: Allies rules?
28 February 2022, 12:03:02 PM
Hi all,

It's Davio, been playing Dominion on and off for, well, more years than I'd like to admit.
Today I saw that Allies was in preview, so I'm super excited to try it out, but I can't find the rules anywhere.

I noticed some cards gave "favors" (as in "+1 favor") which mattered for end game scoring and some cards had the subtype "liaison" which I don't yet know what it does.

If there would be an official link with either card rules or the official rules, that would be great.  ;D

So from what I've gathered:

"Favor is a resource which you can gain and/or spend, depending on what specific cards say". It looks like it always comes with a special card, which looks the same as an 'event, project, landmark or way' and always refers to a 'group of people' such as a cult or a league, and is set aside which tells you what favors can be used for in this particular game.

It looks like cards with the subtype 'liaison' can gain favors.
AI bugs / Re: Bug with bot & the Chapel card
27 November 2021, 09:48:31 AM
I recently encountered this in a game with Knights.
The bot generally disregards Knights altogether so it's pretty easy to get enough of them to trash his deck.

In my game, the bot got a lead with 4 quick Provinces, having Chapelled his Coppers and Estates away, but due to my Knights he eventually ended with a deck of just the 4 Provinces and his Chapel.

Each turn he would just do nothing, not even buying a Copper.

I think it would help the bots if they would consider at some point buying Coppers again.
When Mountain Pass is in play and a Province is bid, it seems like the bots don't bid on it.
It doesn't show in the logs and I get the VP tokens each time.

Because there is nothing in the log I don't know whether the bots don't bid or it just doesn't show in the logs.
I practically always grant undo requests (I can't remember any time I refused them) as most of the time, they are honest mistakes, like accidentally clicking/playing a terminal action when you had another +Action card to play as well.

Would it be useful to add an 'auto grant undo' feature which automatically grants undo requests if no new information was revealed?

For instance if my opponent's starting hand is Village, Merchant Ship + 3 Coppers and he played Merchant Ship first. Playing the Merchant Ship has no effect on me whatsoever and no effect on his own strategy, so this seems like an easy undo.

As an example where we would still manual approval, his hand could be Village, Swindler + 3 Coppers and he played Swindler, replacing my Province with another Province, ending the game in my favor. Now granting his undo request would be very silly for me as I would give away a sure win.
General Discussion / Re: 3 Pile Win
23 November 2021, 01:03:56 PM
Quote from: no expansions on 22 October 2021, 02:29:49 AM
Quote from: Ingix on 19 September 2021, 08:49:44 AM
My own personal pet peeve is that doing the last thing, while may be fun for you, is not fun for your opponent. You are not doing something to win the game, you are doing something that objectively (in 99.9% of case) ist a time wasting procedure. The difference is that for you it's a good time (you are winning, yay!), while for your opponent it's a bad time (they are losing). I can guarantee you that your "good time" will have the same length after you "know you win", even if you forgo the Curse buying, while your opponent can, if they want, dive right back into the next game to cut their "bad time" short.

So just take the win when you have it, buy a Curse only when it actually makes you win (I won once by 1 point from buying my 1st Curse giving me 2VP from Museum), and similarly, don't by 1 Province, 2 Duchies and 3 Estates when just the Province ends the game and wins it for you as well. Your opponent will have a slightly shorter "bad time", while you loose nothing of your good time. And you may silently thank your opponent for doing so when you are on the loosing end of a game.

does it matter in rated games how many vp you win by? or is the ranking only based on win/lose
It's probably only the latter, the amount of VP's often doesn't resemble how close a match was. Imagine 2 players building competing engines, buying no victory card until they can win the game in one turn and the final score is 48 - 0. That doesn't mean the losing player was playing bad.

It's like in a chess game, if the King is checkmated it doesn't matter how many pieces are left.
Card Bugs / Re: Young Witch's Bane
10 January 2017, 03:23:30 PM
There should be an extra card, but it could also be clearer what the bane is (other than some text at the bottom).
General Discussion / Re: Releases
10 January 2017, 02:52:45 PM
Will you ever switch to a proper issue tracker where people can find and track issues?

This will help with all of the clutter on these forums and all these duplicate issues.
Feature Requests / Re: Undo choice
09 January 2017, 04:58:12 PM
Well, I don't want my opponent to lose by misclicking if it can be avoided.
Feature Requests / Re: Undo choice
09 January 2017, 03:46:50 PM
Undo is fantastic.

It doesn't hinder me when I don't need it, but when I do, I'm sooo glad it's there.