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Messages - ReakHavok

thanks, that worked.
It is very difficult to get into the same match with a friend. When my girlfriend tries to join my table, as she scrolls through the list of tables, it starts auto scrolling at a high rate, which is annoying as hell. Then, sometimes when she finds my table, the join option is inexplicably missing, even the spectate option is gone.

Ideally, she could click on my table from the friends list if I have an open slot. Or at least search by name on the table list. Or at least sort the table list by name, player availability, etc. Or at least be able to scroll through the list without it zooming past every entry even after she stops scrolling.
Same deal here. It has happened a couple times, typically when I'm using vault as a draw card in an engine and have played it multiple times. My suspicion is that it is when Lord R has 1 or 0 cards left and tries to discard.
The AI decided to try and build a village/masquerade engine, and played masquerade to give me such gifts as gold and silver.

Needless to say, it was so easy to win it wasn't much fun, I hope there is a plan for AI improvement in the works.
Support / Unable to register email
02 January 2017, 05:37:17 PM
This implementation is missing basic functionality, when I try to register my email, it does nothing. This is unacceptable, there is no way I'm going to risk spending money until the game at least works properly.

edit- my email is now confirmed. Still a lot of work to do to before I'd call the client complete, but at least there is some progress being made.