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Messages - Personman

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2017 Championship (archived) / Re: Rules Discussions
11 August 2017, 07:49:37 AM
QuoteIf this is possible, then at some point before people start playing matches, it would help to have some directions on this. I looked for this feature for about 30 seconds and I didn't find it.

...but why is it possible to specify start player in rated games? I feel like that shouldn't be allowed and it can only lead to abuse. That's a different discussion though.

You're conflating "automatched" and "rated". You can't change any settings in automatch, but you can set any game created at a Table to be rated (a checkbox that becomes available once you click Advanced Settings). Thus, you can play a rated game with a fixed starting player, and with any particular cards you want. You can also change the sets from cards are randomly drawn. I don't believe you can exclude specific cards at the moment, which is pretty unfortunate. It would be great if this feature were added, so that players could agree to play matches that don't have Possession, for instance.