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Messages - JerseyFrank

 1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots
This specific offline client?  No.  Do not want.
An offline mobile client that I can play on the train to pass 5-10 minutes?  That'd be a nice to have, but not critical.  I already have a dozen games that can fill this gap.

2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
Doesn't matter. I never, ever play bots.

3. A strong bot.
Doesn't matter. I never, ever play bots.

4. Options for timed games
Low priority if this is for total game time.  Medium priority if this is for a user-specified idle timer with a visualization of that timer.

5. Options for undo settings
This is self-policing and a exceptional case to need settings.

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.
Yes, Yes, 1000x Yes.  We need events with rewards.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table
It's rare that I need this, but when I do, it's frustrating.

8. More translations (to what language?)

9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...
I think the current animation is fine.  I would like better visualization of mats, duration, & reserve.

10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
Yes, I don't know the split piles well enough and need a way to figure out what's inside.  Then again, I only need to play with them a few times to remember...

10. Option to hide the log
No, I will always play with the log on.

11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
App, yes.  I suggest releasing an API and let people make front ends.  I don't want you bogged down in Android Hell, and this would allow people to choose the type of compromises they'd like to make (i.e., I'd be fine with a mostly-text based implementation; others may want a tablet-friendly GUI).

12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)
I don't have an iPhone.

13. Downloadable game logs
I like bragging, but not enough to care if this is in.

14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)
Yes.  I don't like playing with some people.  I don't want them banned.  I just want to be able to escape the game.

15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion

16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.
Not a priority.
New Priority now that there's a leaderboard and I care about it:
0. When player leaves table, Force resign dialog should appear immediately with a countdown timer showing how much time you must wait to force the resignation.  Also, whatever it is now is long enough to have frustrated me and given me time to post this... which is far too long.

Quote from: JerseyFrank on 07 April 2017, 04:15:51 PM

  • Audio cue + "thinking..." button for player X when state = waiting on player X.  Audio cue should be pleasant and repeat until action is taken or "thinking" message is acknowledged
  • Remove actions from log
  • Ancillary play areas (trash, black market, player mats, duration, reserve) should be visible.  Suggestion: allow 2nd browser window to show these

  • Audio cue + "thinking..." button for player X when state = waiting on player X.  Audio cue should be pleasant and repeat until action is taken or "thinking" message is acknowledged
  • Remove actions from log
  • Ancillary play areas (trash, black market, player mats, duration, reserve) should be visible.  Suggestion: allow 2nd browser window to show these