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Messages - yahas

In. Username is yahas
Losers' Bracket / Re: Losers' Bracket Round 1 Signups
27 September 2017, 04:15:40 PM
I'm in too.
General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Nocturne
16 August 2017, 08:55:39 PM
Here's a simple back-of-the-envelope comparison to show that it won't take too much time to implement any Nocturne cards that don't have new mechanics that fundamentally change the code base - Inheritance was implemented within 4 months of the Shuffle IT implementation going up.

Even if you assume that Stef spent half his time figuring out the implementation (which he clearly didn't, given the large number of features that were added to the mostly bare implementation from December to April), that's 2 months to implement Inheritance, which is arguably the hardest card in the game to implement from the perspective of programming. I highly doubt that the Nocturne cards without new mechanics will be any harder to implement than Inheritance, and since they'll likely be higher priorities for Stef, he should easily be able to implement all of them in 2 months, even while working on the other features.

Seems like there's no reason why digital dominion should not be caught up with physical dominion.