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Messages - SpeedyTurtle

Connection Problems / Re: Cannot log in
07 August 2023, 07:25:34 PM
Update: Logon is working again
Connection Problems / Re: Cannot log in
07 August 2023, 07:07:38 PM
I am in the US and was attempting to play with someone in another area of the US. We both had this issue.
It's not a big issue for me, just filing the bug report to be helpful.
I can't replay the game because I don't have all the cards. (The person I was playing with had more sets than me.) So when I try to load the game, it says, "more cards required than available"

I do remember I got the possession from black market, and I copied the game number from the log when the game was frozen.
Action phase: Played both Outpost and Possession
Buy phase: bought the last card out of a stack.  Three stacks are empty, so the game should end.  Instead, the game froze.  I have no buys left. "End turn" button did not appear.

Game: 6129913