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Messages - prospector

I am prospector and have been playing Dominion online for years.
Some points I'd like to make are:

1. I'd like better visualization of Archive, Native Village and Prince i.e. any Tavern type cards.
2. I'd like better visualization of when cards are gained, it goes so fast some times one can't tell what the other gained.
3. I really like how you can leave a game and come back later, that was once not an option.
4. It would be neat to have bot settings for different play styles.
5. It would be neat to have a set up for a tournament with friends.
6. I haven't ever heard of an app on an i-phone until now, but that would be awesome.
7. Have a ranking system for playing with bots online separate from playing with real players.
8. How about an option after the game is set up to kick a card or replace it after the game is set up.
   What I mean is sometimes the random card picks have cards that would not even be used because of other
   cards that are there.  Example, I had a Prince one time and no cards that you would even want to be
   used with a Prince card...have the option to switch a card or two after the cards are randomly picked.

That's all I can think of for now...keep up the good work and happy playing