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Messages - nombex

Card Bugs / Flagship + Urchin + Moat
04 December 2023, 08:57:26 PM
I put out a Flagship on a prior turn.  In a later turn, I played Urchin and my opponent reacted with Moat.

The Urchin didn't get replayed, and Flagship stayed in my active area until the next turn.

A turn or two later, I played Urchin again, he played Moat, and the Flagship again didn't activate, but stuck around.  On yet another turn, he finally didn't have a Moat, so then the Urchin replayed.

Joining game #135048626 on ohio.   <-- the game in question
I'm not reading the rest of the replies, so I'm sure all of the things I write will echo others.  But there will be more statistics.  I've spent a fair bit of time and money on online and offline Dominion, and I'm pretty pleased with the current offering.  Being able to preview and buy Nocturne was great.

Quote from: Stef on 09 January 2018, 10:33:57 AM
Here are some features we have on our wishlist; please let me know if you would appreciate/use them:
1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots
- only interesting if there's an app version; if I'm on a PC, I'm online and up for playing with people.
2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
- low priority, but I'd enjoy having app bots
3. A strong bot.
- again, low priority, but sometimes I do enjoy a quick totally offline game, and would appreciate a challenge.
4. Options for timed games
- appealing; I don't see a lot of griefing, but sometimes I'm in a rush
5. Options for undo settings
- undo is pretty great as it is

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table
- yes, please.  Make it as easy as possible for me to play with friends, like I might in real life
8. More translations (to what language?)
- don't care; I'm a monolingual American
9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...
- I don't think I care, either way
10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
- being able to right-click twice to know the rest of a pile would be good.  Novices would be sad if they don't know what comes after Gladiator, for example.
10. Option to hide the log
- sounds so simple you might as well
11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
- I tried it recently on my Pixel 2 XL and it was good, though I had to rotate my screen landscape to chat and portrait to play effectively.  Please improve it incrementally.  Overall, I was impressed, though.
12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)
- I don't care.
13. Downloadable game logs
- permalink is best.  I should be able to type in a game ID and know I can link my friends to it.
14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)
- let me put in a friend/blacklist DURING THE GAME, so I don't have to remember to do it after the game ends.
15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion
16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.
- I don't care much, personally.