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Messages - Kilgore

Quote from: Stef on 09 January 2018, 10:33:57 AM
5. Options for undo settings
7. Option to invite specific players to your table
10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)
14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)

Kilgore both on the forums and in the game.

The above quoted features are the only ones from your list that I care about. Undo specifically should be default allowable by me if the other player hasn't seen the future. Or, if the player has seen the future and undo is allowed the future should be undone (ie. their draw stack should be reshuffled after undo so that knowing the draw stack is useless).

Something that would trump all of the above would be faster gameplay. Smaller assets and better gameplay over slow connections, the elision of non-choices, no animations if desired, would all be great.

Also good moderation -- particularly the ability to rate others on speed of play, politeness, a global ban list that I could join to just ban any player that multiple others have banned, would be great to reduce the # of games that start with children who think that a bad shuffle deserves to be followed by abusive language or slowplay.

Finding people compatible matches would be nice moderation too -- let people classify themselves as "chatty", "fast", "newbie", etc., so that people can find games they want to be in would be more useful than new features.

Christmas has brought an onslaught of new players and I very much appreciated the ability to 'wait for expansions' in the advanced seek options. One can only take so much of base.

Making the game run fast on mobile would be a big win. It's essentially unplayable on iPad.

Thanks for the subscription extension. I admit I am tired of paying for Dominion over and over again, though I understand this isn't in your control.
