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Messages - puddlediving


Here are some features we have on our wishlist; please let me know if you would appreciate/use them:
1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots

Yes Yes Yes! I play mostly against bots, so I never have to worry about walking away due to interruptions.

2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
While different play styles sounds nice, I'd like them randomized (hopefully that will be an option). It does suck sometimes when the bot is TOO predictable. (always contrabanding gold, for instance.)

3. A strong bot.
yes, I like a challenge

5. Options for undo settings

Would depend on the options. Sometimes I genuinely click the wrong thing, but sometimes it feels like cheating.

11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
Yes! I would pay for an app that played the game well on the phone.

15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion
Great idea, but I don't need it.

Thanks for offering to extend our subscriptions! I have been sad ever since my 2017 playing ended.  My username is puddlediving.