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Messages - TheStorm042

Card Bugs / Mirror + Ride
01 January 2024, 06:09:28 AM
I believe this is the right way to report this, but if not, please let me know what to do differently.  Thanks!

I was just in a game (which might have been #136646053 on oregon, although I don't believe it to be a sporadic bug) with Mirror and Ride, which I bought in that order.  I would have expected it to get 2 Horses, but only got one.  I confirmed this by looking at the count of horses, which went down by 1.

Mirror says "the next time you gain an Action card," without specifying that the card must be bought.

Therefore, I think I should have gotten two horses, since that was the next time I gained an Action card...
Thanks for doing this, very generous of you!  Hope the feedback is useful!

Username:  TheStorm042

1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots
100% of my dominion play is either (1) myself against bots or (2) myself with 1-2 (known) friends, usually in the same physical room.  (we don't like to play with the physical cards because setup time involved when you want a different set of cards each game)

Anything that supports one or both of these use cases would be swell.  If offline really means "offline" rather than, say, direct connections only, then it doesn't really have much value to me beyond playing bots online.  I assume you're not going to give free access to multiplayer, though I would pay (one-time) for that if it was an option.

Also, my laptop is a Chromebook, so a webapp is more useful to me than, say, a Windows or Mac application.  So, the offer for "free offline client" could be replaced by "free perpetual access to cards online but only in bot games" and I'd be just as happy.

2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
3. A strong bot.
As mentioned, bot play is very important to me.  Honestly, I don't mind the current difficulty -- I win most of the time (which feels good) but not all the time (which would be boring).  But, if you have ideas to make this more interesting, great!

4. Options for timed games
For the most part, not interested.  HOWEVER, if the time allowed could be asymmetrical to give one player a handicap, that would be fun and useful to me.  Timing might also be interesting to resolve ties and/or have a penalty system (lose on VP for every minute over the limit or some such).

5. Options for undo settings
Someone else mentioned a setting to auto-allow any undos in which you haven't received new information yet (e.g., seen new cards).  I would be very supportive of this.

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.
Probably not something I'd use.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table
As I said, this is a primary use case, but I haven't had trouble playing matches with my friends to date, so I'm not sure what this would add over and above current feature.  You know my use case; I'll let you decide how important this is then :)

8. More translations (to what language?)
Klingon or Elvish would be cool.

(seriously, though, for me personally, English is all that's needed)

9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...
I don't care about animations.  However, one thing I haven't figure out yet is how to balance speed (I don't like watching my cards slowly float to the discard pile) vs. being able to clearly see what the opponent has done.  Tough question, IMO.

10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
I haven't actually used Prince in any games, so am not sure here.  Everything else seems to visualize well.  Although a small note is that it's not immediately obvious where to click to see your mat contents (once you have figured it out, it's fine).

10. Option to hide the log
I like the log.  Even if I didn't, I'm not sure what else I'd do with that space.  I guess some people might prefer the aesthetics of not seeing it, but that doesn't bother me.

nit:  There are two #10s :)

11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
I would certainly download and install this, but suspect that I'd rarely play it in practice.

12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)

13. Downloadable game logs
No interest.

14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)
No interest.

15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion
I guess this would be nice.  Would only be useful to me if, say, I'm trying to get a friend to check out the game.  But, honestly, I think anyone I'd want to play with would be able to figure it out sans tutorial.  That said, this seems useful to YOU, to help get more players!

16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.
A good UI should render this unnecessary.  You're almost there, except for small things like I mentioned in the first #10.  But a FAQ or in game tooltips should be able to accomplish this more efficiently than a tutorial.