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Messages - freemarmoset

Interface Issues / Re: Kingdom has too many cards.
26 March 2022, 05:35:45 AM
Actually I think I see what the issue may be.  The interface doesn't recognize that the Liaison (in this case "Student") is in the Wizards split pile. 

So, if your only Liaison in the Kingdom is in a Split pile, it's not recognized at the setup stage and it removes and won't let you add an Ally.  However when you hit "Ready" it appears to recognize that you have a Liaison in the split pile, but no Ally, thus the error.

Still no work around that I see, but maybe this helps pinpoint the issue for the developer.
Interface Issues / Re: Kingdom has too many cards.
26 March 2022, 05:24:10 AM
I'm hitting this same (I think) issue trying to setup one of the recommended sets for Allies/Nocturne:

Play It Again, Sam: Woodworkers' Guild • Wizards, Swap, Royal Galley, Courier, Hunter • Blessed Village, Leprechaun, Skulk, Tormentor,

Whenever I add the 10th kingdom card, the interface removes the Ally (Woodworkers Guild), greys out all of the kingdom cards and allies (so I can't add it back), and hitting ready gives me the too many cards error.  Haven't been able to find a workaround.  Anybody able to set this up?  Prior to today I've had no issues setting up other recommended allies combos.