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Messages - prehensilemullet

I tried to reproduce it but can't figure out how to assign traits to specific cards?  My dominion online name is jedwards1211.
Bug Reports / Re: How to report bugs
25 December 2022, 04:40:31 AM
This is a pretty disorganized way to do things compared to GitHub issues or a report bug button in the game itself that automatically includes the game number and server in the report...
I was playing a game with Maroon with the Inherited Trait.  When I played Maroon trashed a Rope (Treasure + Duration) I expected to draw four cards, but it only drew one.  I'm pretty sure I hadn't drawn my whole deck.

Don't have the game number and server because I went hunting for how to report bugs after I had closed the game.  If there were a report bug button in the game, we would not have this problem.