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Messages - paiganism

This BS with kicking everyone at the top of the hour means half my games just get aborted for no reason even if we've been very active in the room. When will this get fixed???
General Discussion / Re: GET YOUR SERVERS FIXED
20 August 2024, 08:10:00 PM
I literally joined the forum to talk about this too. First of all, the new timeouts are insanely quick if they're working properly, my partner and I love playing Dominion daily on the site and sometimes will get kicked in the time it takes someone to quickly run to the restroom. Anyone with any amount of distraction in their life (pets, kids, being a human who occasionally has to pick up the phone, eat a snack, etc) just can't play the game unless they're 100% locked in, which seems overly intense, especially considering this is a strategy game and we just got a big set of new cards that we're not experienced with.

Today we've been extremely diligent about taking our turns almost instantly and not leaving to go do something (no matter how small) mid-game and have been kicked before even getting the "Make opponent resign" dialogue box, it's almost like it's gotten worse. The game we just were in started giving the "Warning: possibly lost connection with gameserver" error literally 8 times in the middle of us taking our turns and lags horribly even after a single card is played.

Are there any public announcements about this? When can we expect it to be fixed? Because in its current incarnation the game is basically unplayable...