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Messages - shufgy

Bug Reports / Re: Divine Wind related stall
25 August 2024, 11:31:30 AM
Hmm. Maybe it's not just Desert Wind and Capitalism:

#149872910 stalled after I finished the game buying 2 colonies (it was a normal game as #149872843 then a "continue with bots game" after they left)

Again no pluses on cards but it's saying I should buy cards and no end buys button
Bug Reports / Divine Wind related stall
23 August 2024, 11:14:16 AM
Per discord:

So game #149736211 I've just had:
Turn 14 - shufgy
s plays a Tea House.
s draws a Copper.
s gets +1 Action.
s gets +$2.
s plays a Patron.
s gets +1 Villager.
s gets +$2.
s plays 3 Coppers. (+$3)
s buys and gains a Rebuild.
s draws a Silver, an Estate, a Province, and 2 Patrons.

The tea house triggered Divine Wind so all the cards changed part way through the turn.
Then it was waiting on me but there's nothing I can do? I refreshed the browser but nothing helped.

When it was waiting on me it said I could buy cards but I couldn't (no +s on cards and clicking on them didn't work but also I shouldn't have had more than 1 buy at that point).

I realise it's a bit vague as a bug report but I don't really have any more information. Hopefully that's enough to reproduce it.