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Messages - TimSharrock

Connection Problems / Re: Bad lag on Frankfurt
23 October 2023, 04:14:42 PM
I have just had the same experience
Interface Issues / Cannot change mind on church delete
12 December 2022, 03:32:52 PM
In a game I clicked too quickly on a card after playing church the previous turn. That left me in a state where I could "confirm delete" but not either select a different card or not delete at all. (Running Chrome on Windows 10 on a big screen)
AI bugs / Lord Rattington freezes on Capital City
25 April 2022, 05:25:54 PM
game #99934208. Lord R inherited a deck with Capital City, played one then did nothing
Card Bugs / Re: Two Voyage Turns with Ghost
01 March 2022, 09:06:41 PM
I think an example would be playing a voyage during a voyage extra turn. I got very confused in one games with posession in as well!
I have seen this a couple of times: when Lord Rat replaces a player who has baubles, it froze when playing a bauble.
Thanks, I thought I had tried clicking everywhere, but must have missed the cheaper supply cards
Game 36950852 just got stuck in the middle of a masterminded city quarter when I played as itself, then as a way of the rat, and again as itself. The game said "choose what to play", but it seemed not to accept anything except chat.
Feature Requests / Re: "Extra Menagerie"
08 April 2020, 08:01:22 PM
One possibility would be "extra X and Y" where each player nominates one expansion, so you get more cards of your choice, more of whatever your opponents choose (without knowing in advance) and less of the rest. I could then automatch a variety of Alchemy-heavy games, but with a variety of other people's choices
When trying to extend my subscription in the chrome browser on my Android tablet, I could not find a way to operate the "choose a country" drop down.

I could not therefore continue, so will log in from windows to extend instead.

AI bugs / Re: another bot freeze - game 23740760
20 February 2019, 10:45:53 PM
Thanks :)
AI bugs / another bot freeze - game 23740760
20 February 2019, 07:26:09 PM
"Waiting for Lord Rat" towards the end of game 23740760.

There was nothing obviously "hard" in the cards, though Capitalism was present.
thanks, I will.
Playing on my android tablet is now much better, thanks to all your and Stef's hard work.
Thanks Ingix.

I did say "Has preview-3 lost the "preview" buttons?" but I refreshed, and they have appeared now :)

Quote from: markus on 24 September 2018, 05:35:11 PM
Quote from: TimSharrock on 24 September 2018, 05:15:15 PM
Thanks - most of these look great. My only quibble is the "on hover" as the only way to get at some of the information. On a tablet with touchscreen and no mouse this is not possible.
To see the stored cards you can actually click on that player's name and it will show them instead of the log and keep them displayed until you click somewhere else.
Thanks, I have finally found how to do this. It only works if there is something to display, and the particular name to tap is the one in the little player summary box at the top-left of the screen.