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Messages - randomjoyz

Quote from: TimSharrock on 11 November 2017, 09:36:33 PM
I seem quite stable at about 48. I would say that I roughly know what I am doing, but don't do it particularly well.

I rarely beat people rated 55 (as one would expect).

So maybe I am just about respectable, but far from good!
This is about me too, I know the game and how all the cards work pretty much 100%, but I don't always choose the best strategies or think too much about what I'm doing so my rating stays in the high 40s.
If someone resigns, for whatever reason (They know they lost and want to move on, the game is super spammy and they aren't enjoying it anymore, they have to go take a massive shit, their spouse is trying to talk to them and they cant focus on the game anymore, they don't like you, they accidentally hit the resign button... etc..) You have to remember that the person on the other end of the game is a human being with a life and reasons for doing whatever they do. Then you have to get the .... over it and move on. Really what the hell do you care you just won and get to go play another game now...? Why would you even want to play a game with another real person who doesn't want to be playing that game anymore anyway, are you some kinda sadistic asshole who likes to torture people? Heck, some times I'll be winning massively and wish the person would quit because its not fun for me when I know the outcome of a game, even if that outcome is that I will win...
Is it an official rule that coins and treasures can't be played after buying something once? (I'm just wondering, I see the topic has been resolved.)
Card Bugs / overlord
24 January 2017, 11:53:05 PM
When overlord is played as wine merchant, I am unable to discard it from tavern mat.
did you click in the log? it isn't a regular button so it might be hard to find, but the log to the right that tells you everything that is happening, should produce a hyperlink like button for you to click at the bottom, you might need to scroll to see this.
Card Bugs / governor+castle glich
21 January 2017, 12:42:36 AM
I played governor to remodel, and my opponent remodeled to a sprawling castle which says, "when you gain this, gain a duchy or 3 estates." to which I was given the option to gain duchy or estates. As nice as it was that I was able to give my opponent 3 estates rather than a duchy, it doesn't seem like it should work this way.

Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
12 January 2017, 11:54:58 PM
they might if the last time they played it, they were prompted an option to jump to buy phase
Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
12 January 2017, 08:33:47 PM
Whatever is implemented I would rather be implemented to crown card as a whole, not only in the edge case of not having any action cards left. Because this is not an edge case, you can jump to your buy phase and crown treasures regardless of if you do or don't have other actions in your hand. If things are not consistent, it is confusing for the user.
Feature Requests / Re: Sentry interface
11 January 2017, 03:55:48 AM
it's kind of weird to click "confirm trashing" when I'm not trashing anything. the best way for this to work would be:

-window shows up with 2 cards, button next to it says "don't trash"
you then can ether:
-click "don't trash" at which point you proceed to the discard stage, which would work the same as the trash stage.
-click on one or both of the cards, at which point the button would change to say confirm trashing, and another button would show up that says undo.
Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
11 January 2017, 03:31:23 AM
you keep saying "this is what the customer wants, it doesn't matter if its ideal just that customers are happy" or something along those lines.

firstly how do you know what the customer wants? I'm a customer I don't want it, other people have raised concerns against this as well. Maybe customers want the simple intuitive way it is now. thousands of games have been played already, many many many people have already hit this situation (at least I have a few times so I'm sure others have over the many games played) and I'm guessing most of them hit undo, thought about it for a few seconds and realized "oh that was my action phase" and continued on there way realizing that it's working as it should.

second, if the customers want something that is fundamentally against the game the makers should put their foot down.
Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
11 January 2017, 02:11:28 AM
Quote from: tufftaeh on 11 January 2017, 01:25:55 AM
If I understand Adam's sugestion correctly, he wants to be able to click Crown, click Copper, in order to move to the buy phase and to double a Copper, without having to click "End Actions" before clicking Crown.
If this is correct, how about the standard situation where you just happen to want to play no action card (e.g. Necropolis)? Shouldn't you consequently be able to immediately click on a treasure card then in order to move to the buy phase and to play that treasure card, without having to click the annoying "End Actions"? (With autobuy, you wouldn't even need to click a treasure card.)

For the record, I'm not really suggesting this. I support an interface which helps the users to learn how the game actually works. In the standard case as well as in the rare case with Crown without other actions, I should be required to state explicitly that I want to leave the action phase (provided I have still an action card I could play).

I'm looking forward to statements from fast-play advocates who now will ask for this extended suggestion at least as an otion because it might speed up play even more...
I don't think anyone is suggesting that, it would require ether losing functionality or adding a bunch of options every time you play a crown (play as action/dont crown, play as treasure/dont crown,undo or click the card you want to crown) and would be super confusing. honestly I'm still not totally sure what adam is suggesting but i think he wants something to ask you after you play crown if you want to play as an action or a treasure in instances with no actions left.
Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
11 January 2017, 12:51:27 AM
Quote from: Witherweaver on 11 January 2017, 12:30:56 AM
Quote from: randomjoyz on 11 January 2017, 12:25:56 AM

Quote from: allanfieldhouse on 10 January 2017, 11:16:42 PM
So it sounds like the only interface that makes both sides happy is the following:

When it's still your action phase and you play a Crown with no other action cards in hand, it should ask "Play in Action Phase" or "Play in Buy Phase". Any other situation, it just plays how it currently does.
I read what donald wrote and originally felt like this was ok, but after a second thought I realized that IF it was going to be implemented like this, it might as well be implemented like this for every instance you play a crown in (for the sake of the "perfect AdamH ui", because say I have [necropolis, crown, gold] the regular human brain is thinking "OH! let's crown that gold *clicks crown*). By implementing it like this you are teaching the user that this is how the card works, that when you play this card you get to chose if you want to jump to your buy phase or stay in action phase. To me this is both fundamentally wrong (this is not how the card works) and really annoying.

I'm thinking of it more like this:

Interface pauses when you choose to play Crown, and says "hey you might have made a mistake: did you mean to click the 'End Actions'? button first?  Here choose one of these options to clarify".  Since it is pretty likely that you did mean to click the 'End Actions' button first, and really such a 'are you sure?' thing is not that ostentatious, I think this is okay.

And you're not violating rules, you are clarifying, and then playing the card.
I think that just a warning would probably be the best solution (besides leaving it as is and letting people learn by making the mistake once, this is one of the strongest ways to learn something) but this is annoying(to be prompted, "are you sure??" when I am fricking sure because I know how to play).. Hmm... maybe if it was togglable like warnings for trashing cards
Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
11 January 2017, 12:25:56 AM
Quote from: allanfieldhouse on 10 January 2017, 10:15:34 PM
I only read page 4 of this discussion, but I'm firmly behind Adam's proposal of making Crown work like you'd expect it to work.

If I Crown a Silver, it should just work.

If I want to Crown nothing as my last action to reduce the price of, that's such an edge case. Make that person go through the tricky interface. Sure they need to be able to do it, but don't make this literally the easiest way to play the card.

Edit: At the very least, if you play a Crown in your action phase, but you don't have any other action cards left in hand, pop up a choice: play as action | play as treasure.
except that this is NOT how you would expect it to work if you understand how the game is played, you would expect it to work the way it currently works
(play it during action phase, it plays as an action, play it during buy phase, it plays like a treasure. what is unexpected about that??)

Quote from: allanfieldhouse on 10 January 2017, 11:16:42 PM
So it sounds like the only interface that makes both sides happy is the following:

When it's still your action phase and you play a Crown with no other action cards in hand, it should ask "Play in Action Phase" or "Play in Buy Phase". Any other situation, it just plays how it currently does.
I read what donald wrote and originally felt like this was ok, but after a second thought I realized that IF it was going to be implemented like this, it might as well be implemented like this for every instance you play a crown in (for the sake of the "perfect AdamH ui", because say I have [necropolis, crown, gold] the regular human brain is thinking "OH! let's crown that gold *clicks crown*) (In other words, you are not forced to play an action in your hand just because you have it so the same logic of "user friendly ui" applies to hands with or without other action cards in hand). By implementing it like this you are teaching the user that this is how the card works, that when you play this card you get to chose if you want to jump to your buy phase or stay in action phase. To me this is both fundamentally wrong (this is not how the card works) and really annoying.

To implement this only in the edge situation of not having other action cards would be the least logical and intuitive, most confusing change this thread has suggested imo. so please, to the developers, ether implement it in every situation or none, otherwise I'm gonna be scratching my head every time I play crown, and it's one of my fav cards :p
Interface Issues / Re: "Crown" Logic
10 January 2017, 05:14:09 PM
no that is exactly where I was going. your suggestion violates my "opinion: if you play your cards carefully and deliberately, the client should not second guess your decisions." as well as a new opinion I have which is, the game should not be suggesting moves for me.

I can't see more then 1 or 2 random people here and there (out of thousands) rage quitting over this so that seems like a non issue to me.  (of course this is just a guess and not a real statistic)

It just seems backwards to me that you would decide how a card was played after you already played it instead of playing it and having it act according to how when/how you played it.

but I think we can agree to disagree because all that is left is my opinion vs yours and I think we both understand each other.

edit (because this is driving me insane):

as it is now you: (click end actions) (click crown) (click copper)
*what you want: (click crown) (click play as treasure) (click copper)

your ways is the same amount of clicks but from the view of someone reading the cards and playing according to what the cards say/how the game is played, your way is backwards and confusing. I think it's better for the client to stay pure and intuitive from a logical standpoint, rather than being built around mistakes that a less logical player might make.

Don't punish logic, the real word does that enough!
Other Bugs / Re: Resignation
10 January 2017, 04:38:51 PM
i tried the / commands, did not help