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Messages - mustang255


My main desire is an offline client, preferably in the form of an Android app.

These are nice to have, but secondary, and I would be happy to get an earlier release without these than wait for them:

  • Campaigns
  • Strong AI
  • Improved interfaces
  • Saveable/downloadable game logs

Nothing else on your list is a major concern for me. I have very few games on this client during my 1 year subscription, but tons on Androminion (several/day), so a lot of the multiplayer features are not a big selling point for me, and not having a limited duration subscription is very appealing for me.

If I could ask for unlisted features, I'd like:

  • DXV style kingdom generation (5 cards from each of 2 sets, Black market is one entire expansion.
  • some ability to do basic modding; mainly custom cards/campaigns/scenarios/expansions. This may or may not be practical for you, but it is something I would like.
  • Integration with the Jack of all Dominion randomizer app (or at least the ability to receive a kingdom from an external application and play it). This is a bit greedy, but is a feature I appreciate from Androminion/JoaD.
In a recent game with the Stonecamp account, he played a Shepherd and it did not give him the option to discard the Overgrown Estate to it with its ability.

I don't know how to find the game ID or else I would link it.
Card Bugs / Counterfeit + Coin of the Realm
05 January 2017, 03:52:52 AM
When counterfeiting a CotR, it seemingly adds 2 to my tavern mat, whereas I'd expect it to not have any (or maybe this is a lose track thing, and it isn't trashed? Even then, I'd expect to see it only once on the tavern mat).

Also, to clarify, by tavern mat, i mean the blue text at the bottom of the log.