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Here are some features we have on our wishlist; please let me know if you would appreciate/use them:
1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots
Yes I would really enjoy an offline client with bots. Similar to the one Settlers of Catan uses. Campaigns and individual matches against bots would be awesome. Please make it chromebook/android friendly!

2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
I am not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean aggressive/attack versus money versus draw mechanic? It would be nice to have bots lean different ways so you can try out strategies against different styles. You could give several bots different profiles and name and describe them.

3. A strong bot.
This is very much needed. When I was learning I thought I was awesome because it was so easy to beat bots. Then started playing online against real people and realized the bots were weak. I sometimes really want the convenience of playing against a bot for speed or ability to walk away and come back when I can. It would be nice if there was a very competitive bot.

4. Options for timed games
This would be awesome. Working similar to a chess timer where each person gets x amount of time for their moves so the other person can't slow you down. Then the winner when one persons timer goes out is the one with the most points.

5. Options for undo settings
I would like to see more control here. Misclicks happen all the time not just in rushing. A reasonable misclick should be auto allowed where anything that allowed the person to "peek" at cards or would change strategy should require the opponent to approve.

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.
This would be a great option. I would also like to figure out how I can create tables and invite friends to play. Playing my created decks is boring against bots. But perhaps enhanced bots would help.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table
Yes please.

8. More translations (to what language?)
This is not as important to me. But to be fair that is because my first language is English

9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...
This is not important to me as I try to turn them off to as fast play as possible

10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
Yes it is frustrating to not be able to see the under piles is split and it affects game strategy if someone is unfamiliar with the cards.

10. Option to hide the log
I like the log and think it keeps everything transparent but an option might not be a bad idea for people who would like an even more competitive game.

11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
I am an android user both on my phone and my laptop is a chromebook. I would like to see an android app that can be used on phones/tablets. The game play seems to work fairly well online now in the chrome browser. Please let the offline version work as well or create a native android app.

12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)

13. Downloadable game logs
Interesting concept. It would not be an important feature to me but I can see the advantage and it might really help people learning the game.

14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)
Absolutely. I have wanted to change my username (another option I wish was available because I have had people talk to me in a way I did not like once they figured I was a woman, deep sigh) I have learned to just quit the games over language, suggestive commentary but I should not be penalized in my rankings because of other peoples actions. And the slow play drives me crazy. Maybe something else that could help with the slow play is a game option for different paces. For example the person who wants to play while they do other things on the internet can choose a more casual pace and then the person who gets impatient when I take more than 3 seconds to think about my moves can pick a lightning fast game style. Either way there is always abuse and people trying to use slow play to increase their rankings.

15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion 16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.
I think one tutorial is a good idea. But you don't need two seperate ones. I also think tutorials or FAQs on new sets and or new cards might be helpful. I have helped several people learn nocturne and while I am happy to help I think people would take advantage of it. So beyond the basic here is how to use new sets and new features and even a how to improve your dominion strategy tutorial. The better everyone gets the better the games overall are.

Other Thoughts
I have been a member for a long time. I miss campaigns. I even liked the zaps :) I was sad to see the permanent game go away and the campaigns. However, I know you have added a lot and it was in many ways out of your hands. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to provide feedback and for offering additional compensation for those who have been part of the game for a long time and ridden the waves. Thank you for the hard work and for constantly updating as the new games come out.  Remember for every complaint you receive you have many other happy people enjoying this and never commenting. Keep up the good work. My  game username is KellieA
Sign me up kellieA