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Messages - marky

Thanks for this opportunity and your commitment to making this happen. 


1.   An off-line client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots

This would be a GREAT feature.  In a prior online version, I liked how the different sets corresponded to different areas of the campaigns.  Make the campaign interface non-linear and include an area for promos. The campaigns were where I really learned about the cards in the set.  Some kingdoms were horrible, but some were stellar. I didn't care because I was learning about the cards and how they interacted with one another.  In addition to changing the types of starting coins and creating advantages or handicaps, give the user even more flexibility by allowing them to modify a given stage within a campaign by trading out/importing cards. 

2.   A bot with a setting for different play styles

Having some variation like this would be nice.  Be sure to include a slog mode.

3. A strong bot.

Yes.  Something like this would help me improve my game.  I also wouldn't feel any guilt for retiring early when I am being crushed.

4. Options for timed games

This is an interesting concept, but more interesting in a player versus player game IMO.

5. Options for undo settings

Yes.  I'm not sure what they would be though.

6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.

This would be great.  Tourneys should have playable bots as well.  I could see a lot of potential, such as being able to vary the parameters per round.  For example, in round 0, to get into the bracket you have to beat Lord Rattington on a set or variable kingdom and then seeds could be pulled from the score differentials.

7. Option to invite specific players to your table


8. More translations (to what language?)


9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...

Maybe, but get the mechanics done first.

10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...

Yes, this would help.  BRING back STASH.  It is frustrating to "own" a card and not be able to play it.  MF had this figured out. 

11. Option to hide the log

Yes.  Sometimes it is nice to remove the clutter.

12. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)

Don't care.

13. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)

Would like one, but again, get the game done first.

14. Downloadable game logs

I'm not that much of a power user, but I could see programmers using this to find bugs and it would benefit users who really like that level of detail. I would like a way to capture that final score page as a simple .jpg or something to keep track of epic wins (or losses).  Also, having a game odometer would be nice.  Maybe something you can reset as well, but something that would keep track of the total number of games played (in campaigns too).

15. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)


16. Tutorial on how to play Dominion

General rules would be nice, but more importantly, some of the later sets are more complicated, so having some general set knowledge would be helpful.  Again, this another reason is why we should have campaigns.

17. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.

I thought the original one from MF was pretty good.  Enhance that a bit and lead it into campaigns again.