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Messages - Facherty

Support / Re: Stuck on Fortune (x2)
01 February 2023, 08:49:49 PM
Many thanks for the clear explanation.

Is this issue one of the things that the programmers will focus on, or is it a long way from being fixed...?
Support / Re: Stuck on Fortune (x2)
01 February 2023, 04:26:42 PM
Just to add, it was possible to undo several times. This made a significant enough change for the dilemma never to occur, and the game could be completed.
Support / Stuck on Fortune (x2)
01 February 2023, 04:17:14 PM
Lord Voldebot appears to be stuck after playing a Fortune (x2) card - see attached .jpg

Game #116328636 on frankfurt.

The game has not crashed -  it can be successfully reloaded or I can hit undo, but it progresses to the same point and stops completely.

Any ideas?


Support / Re: Can't Turn Off the Points Being VIsible
24 December 2022, 10:33:53 AM
Thanks for getting this done.
Support / Re: Can't Turn Off the Points Being VIsible
20 December 2022, 12:02:46 PM
Another update today (20 Dec '22) and still not fixed? I don't want to be as radical as @leafyscreen, but this feels like an easy fix? It did work, but now it doesn't, implies the code is still there and needs to be re-enabled (or unbypassed). Congratulations to the coders for the new set (which is fun), but make it nicer for us to play with...? Thanks.
Support / Re: Can't Turn Off the Points Being VIsible
15 December 2022, 08:23:24 PM
Still another release today (15 Dec 2022), but the "Show VP Counter" bug is still there.
Support / Re: Can't Turn Off the Points Being VIsible
13 December 2022, 05:12:06 PM
There seemed to be another release today (13 Dec 2022), but the "Show VP Counter" bug is still there
AI bugs / Re: Specific Freeze on Game #110578388
03 November 2022, 01:49:13 AM

Is there a list of the "known but unfortunately not yet fixed" bugs, so users like me don't slow everything down by reporting already known stuff?


AI bugs / Specific Freeze on Game #110578388
01 November 2022, 01:04:30 PM
The game could not progress from "Waiting for Bad Advisor". See attached picture.

I tried reloading, which appeared to work (and gave me a count every time it did it), but still left the game unable to progress.

I tried undo-ing my moves, and re-playing slightly different moves, presumably leaving Bad Advisor different options, but that failed in the same way.

A bug?
Support / Re: Set Aside the Prince...
01 April 2021, 11:04:54 PM
Excellent reply, and spot-on diagnosis: it _was_ the Walled Village.
I'll check my autoplay options.
Thank you.
Support / Set Aside the Prince...
01 April 2021, 05:25:39 PM
After I have managed to get the Prince teamed with a card costing up to 4, on my next turn it worked as expected. However, on the turn afterwards, the Prince and its companion had returned to my deck.

The card says that it must be "set aside" to remain in play, but I was not offered this option at the end of my turn.

Subsequently in the game I managed to get the same two cards paired, and this time the combination stayed in place for the remainder of the game.

So how should I have set aside the Prince the first time?

It is just a language/grammar correction that is required; everything else behaves properly,
General Discussion / Minor error following "Develop" Card
19 September 2020, 11:45:59 AM
The attached picture shows a minor omission in the instructions following the play of the "Develop" card:
- Gain 1st Card for or 2 coins

Is is not successfully dealing with the trashing of a card with 0 value
Support / Re: Replay a game
06 March 2020, 07:09:22 PM
Apologies for my total blindness on this one!
Support / Replay a game
06 March 2020, 12:21:30 PM
How do I replay a game. I know it's got something to do with the #number, but I don't know where to go to paste it.