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Messages - Catdollz

General Discussion / Cannot log in
14 May 2022, 03:24:34 PM
I am unable to log in to dominion online games anymore using my username Bella3737. It was working fine earlier tonight but now it won't let me log in at all. How can I fix this?
Connection Problems / Re: Login button not working
08 March 2022, 09:53:58 PM
I am also able to log in. I have tried everything everyone else has tried includinh kick and resign and still I can't log in. Can you please fix this
Support / How to adjust font size on cards?
22 February 2022, 11:44:53 PM
Can someone let me know how to adjust the font size on the cards so you can read them? On the new UI the font size is way too large so when you click on the cards it is impossible to read what they say