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Topics - michaeljb

If Alms was just un-buyable with any Treasures in play (like Grand Market with Coppers), that would be great.

Especially when you played a Crown in the Action phase, forgetting it would disqualify you from buying Alms, but then you chose not to play the Copper in hand to get up to $3 since you could get a $4-cost with Alms anyway, only to end up buying an Alms to gain nothing on your turn.

Yesterday I was playing a league match and my opponent requested an Undo. The last thing in the log was that they had just played a Hunting Party. I asked for clarification in chat, he said he wasn't trying to undo the Hunting Party, I granted the Undo, and he continued with his turn. Technically I still have don't know what he undid, but I would guess something like he hit "End Actions" by mistake.

When an Undo request is made, the decisions to be taken back should be clear. In my particular case, if the log had said something like "opponent ends the Action phase," I would have had all the info I needed. A more general solution that would work for cases where multiple steps are undone would be to list all the decisions that will be undone.

For example:

QuoteRequesting 2 undo steps:
* End Actions
* Play Nomad Camp

I'm not sure if it would be better to show the decisions with the latest at top, or bottom; at the bottom matches the order they happen and may be more intuitive. Either way, they could also include the decision number to make the chronology unambiguous:

QuoteRequesting 2 undo steps:
Decision 246 - Play Nomad Camp
Decision 247 - End Actions

Then it's clear that they want to undo to the point before they played the Nomad Camp.
Game Log Issues / Dominate
15 January 2017, 11:34:58 PM
Dominate should show the VP tokens gained in the log.

If no Province is gained (such as during a Possession turn), the log says "failed to gain a Province." It would be nice if it said something like "failed to gain a Province, therefore not getting +9 VP."