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Topics - fisherman

Interface Issues / Prince of Border Guards
15 January 2019, 05:57:46 PM
When topdecking a Border Guard with Horn, there is no way to choose which Border Guard to topdeck. This usually doesn't matter, except with Prince. It seems that the system automatically chooses to topdeck the first Border Guard played, which is of course the Princed one and exactly the one you probably didn't want to topdeck.

Building an interface to properly resolve this and related bugs sounds hard. But I think there should be an easy effective fix here: just default to topdecking the last Border Guard instead.
Game Log Issues / Hamlet discards
21 April 2017, 04:45:17 PM
When your opponent discards two cards to Hamlet, the log only shows the one that ends up on top of the discard pile. Both cards should be known to me however, since they are supposed to be discarded one at a time.
Card Bugs / Secret Passage always topdecks
03 April 2017, 05:30:41 PM
It doesn't seem to matter what I do with the slider. The card I select always ends up on top of my deck now. I'm pretty sure this used to be implemented correctly. Maybe something got messed up in preparation for Stash?

Edit: Actually it doesn't topdeck all the time, but the log always says that it is. I think it sometimes topdecks when I didn't tell it to, but am no longer sure.
AI bugs / Advisor discarding
25 February 2017, 06:04:44 PM
Lord Rattington seems to almost always discard the highest priced card, which is a reasonable first approximation to good strategy. However, someone should tell him this doesn't apply to victory cards.

He sometimes but not always (I can't figure out when) chooses to discard estate over copper, even when there is no way to trash cards from hand. He also likes to discard duchies over silvers, which basically never makes sense.