Game #98004491, rated.
Menial Serf vs AndersGorling
On turn 13 Serf sets aside Voyage with Ghost.
On turn 14 they resolve the Voyage and end up taking 2 extra turns, even tho the card specifies that it should only give you an extra turn if the previous turn wasn't yours.
Maybe Island Folks is involved in making this bug appear. It was also part of the game. But that also says you only get an extra turn if the previous turn wasn't yours.
Menial Serf vs AndersGorling
On turn 13 Serf sets aside Voyage with Ghost.
On turn 14 they resolve the Voyage and end up taking 2 extra turns, even tho the card specifies that it should only give you an extra turn if the previous turn wasn't yours.
Maybe Island Folks is involved in making this bug appear. It was also part of the game. But that also says you only get an extra turn if the previous turn wasn't yours.