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Topics - tdellaringa

General Discussion / Wrong font showing in interface?
29 October 2017, 07:49:32 PM
For some reason on my laptop, the font is Times (I think, some serif font). Everywhere else it's the sans-serif font. I've tried turning off all extensions but that doesn't seem to help - even so both systems have the same setup. Both systems are mac, both using chrome. Anyone know what it might be?
General Discussion / Subscription question
10 October 2017, 04:14:18 PM
With the release of a new set, I am considering a subscription. But I am little confused about it all.

It seems like you can already play with all the cards available by choosing "Wait for expansions." What are you getting with the subscription? Does this increase/decrease the amount of available players to play for me at all?

Any other benefit? There seems to be little to know info on what it actually is.
General Discussion / Value to playing out the game?
21 September 2017, 04:50:27 PM
In regard to rating, is there a value to playing out the game vs. resigning? And does that scale depending on the rating of your opponent? Sometimes you know you are beat and you want to get to the next game, but I wonder if this affects your rating.
I'm hoping you folks can help me understand this turn. There were no villages on the board. This was the last turn before I lost. The player in question had a Champion on the board, so he got +1 action. But I cannot account for all the actions he played in this turn. It seemed at one point he played four cards in a row, and the action count didn't decrease. He plays 7 smithy's in this hand.

I not necessarily saying anything nefarious is going on, but it didn't make any sense to me at all. What am I missing?

(<- seems IMG tag not working?)
General Discussion / "Disconnectors"
26 July 2017, 10:01:08 PM
Cousins to the slow rollers. This guy has done it twice to me now. Disconnects right away, and I have to sit there. What is worse, the game does not give me the option to make him resign - I waited 10+ minutes. So *I* had to resign, and take the hit on my rating - and waste my time.

I know this is an issue Stef doesn't want to deal with, but something needs to be done. It's getting out of hand.
General Discussion / What is a "good" rating?
19 May 2017, 03:26:06 AM
I'm curious what people see as a "good" rating. Generally, looking at the leaderboard, the top players are in the 60's. It seems to me that any players in the upper 40's+ and into the 50's is a good player, and possibly very, very good.

Personally, I feel like if I am in the 30s, I am not doing well. When I cross over into the 40s, I feel like I am doing okay. I'm currently at 41.

I seem to face this a lot. I know it depends on the cards available. But I wonder what the general strategy is here. I often think I'll get that extra card every shuffle, but the $3 seems just as valuable.
General Discussion / UX Suggestion: Backgrounds
13 May 2017, 05:54:54 PM
I know there's been some discussion on this already. Regardless of your preference, the biggest problem here is that of the backgrounds I can set, I have NO IDEA what they are when I am setting them. It's a total guessing game. And am I supposed to memorize all 9?

Again, support recognition and recall.

Give me a thumbnail of all backgrounds so I know what I am setting them to.

Also, allow for a simple, colored background for those who don't want the distraction of an image background.
General Discussion / UX Suggestion: Card View
13 May 2017, 05:50:02 PM
Hey there! While I enjoy the new Dominion, there are some real user experience problems.

I'm a User Experience designer with 25 years of experience. I've worked at some pretty big firms and agencies over the years. At some point, I would love to take a swing at a redesign of the whole interface, but that would take a lot of time I don't have.

Instead, I'd like to make a few simple suggestions for fixes and explain why. I will do them one at a time, as I have time. These are simply suggestions that are open for community discussion.

#1 Card view.

Issue:  Support recognition and recall.

Users have a hard time remembering or memorizing the placement of items, especially when they are hidden The issue with the card view is that the kingdom cards have the player/buy/money info placed OVER the card view.

You might not think this is a big deal because you can see SOME of the card, including the card title.  The problem is, because much of the card is obscured, your attention does not naturally move to those 3 obscured cards. So it is very easy to subconsciously ignore, or forget about, those cards. I have done it so many times I have lost count. Even though I am aware of the problem.

It also gets in the way of my ability to quickly scan over the cards for information. I have to slow down to process those three cards.

The fix is very simple. Just move the information above the cards. Frankly, I would argue that you may not even need the player name there. But let's say you keep it. You don't need the word "waiting for" either. It's additional info we don't need to process. We KNOW we are waiting.

My suggestion would be to simply do this.

(IMG tag doesn't seem to be working, image at link below)

The info is there I need, and I can see all the cards. There is ample room to move the info there. Now I can quickly scan the cards, and I won't miss anything.