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Topics - vinay

On several games today I've disconnected from the server, then doesn't load, then when it does load, the "login" button is greyed out for a while. The whole process can easily take 5 minutes and in one case, I was force-resigned. Pretty miserable playing experience.
Card Bugs / Envious + Storyteller
05 July 2023, 06:08:57 AM
Game #126026136

My opponent's tormentor gave me the Envy hex. When I used my Storyteller to play a gold, the gold still generated $3, but I think it should've just generated $1.
Game #123737806

On multiple turns, I was able to topdeck more than 1 BG with Horn. I suspect this was some interaction with Villa, but I am not sure.
See final turn of game 121987560

I played a spell scroll, but it had 0 cost so there were no cards that I could gain, since nothing costs less than 0. I couldn't proceed with my turn or take any further actions. Luckily my opponent granted an undo to let me get out of this situation, but this could catch someone.
See game #118614554 turn 6.
Copying from the game log:
Game #111449952, rated.
vinay: 55.21
phika: 62.09

On turn 15, phika resigned. I was unable to click "ok" on the resignation message. I logged in again and checked my rating and saw it was still 55.21 - it appears that whatever weird state the game got into, it didn't record the game result or update my rating (as I understand it, ratings are now updated after every game rather than going in batches like they used to a few years ago)

Finished off a game with Lord Rattington, #98324412. I played a Sorceress twice (I believe on turn 25 and 26) and the game just revealed a card and put it in my hand, it did not give me the option to name a card.

I suspect this problem is unique to bot games or maybe even "continue with bots" games because I've used Sorceress in the past on regular games and it has worked as expected.
In game #97008327, I was mid-turn when my opponent said "bullshit" and resigned (there had been no communication up to this point outside of playing cards, which we were both doing with reasonable timing.) When I went to click "continue with bots" it told me "this command requires a table." I assume that my opponent either kicked or banned me (a rather childish response to your opponent's deck working well and/or having good luck, but whatever, that's not the topic here). Ideally it would be nice to be able to finish a game with bots even if this happens, since I wanted to see whether this deck was going to work in the end or not.
Currently "leaderboard" tab shows me as level 55.69, but every game I join shows level as 38.75 for both of us. Based on the play of some of the players I've been matched with, it seems that the matching system is not taking into account player level either.
It's very common in Torturer games for one or both players to build a Torturer engine, and for all the curses to be taken away. At this point, in 90%+ of games, you just want to always autoselect "don't discard" (some exceptions e.g. for Tunnel), but it adds so much time for the opponent to click that every single time.

This has been a feature request that several people have made over multiple years. I really hope it will be built.
In thousands of games I never had this happen until today... someone started observing a 1v1 game (26688488) that I was playing. I hit "ready" at the end of the game, as I often do for a rematch. After I did so, the observer did the same, and we ended up in a 3 player game (26689068). I suspect this was intentional on the part of the observer, but I can't know for sure. Either way, I ended up in a 3 player game without expecting or desiring that.
Possession seems to be perma-banned (and for good reason), but one of them showed up in my Black Market deck in a game I played a week or two ago. Unfortunately I didn't write down the game number. I have not seen Stash appear in black market decks, at least.
Card Bugs / Overpay doctor has an off-by-one error
16 October 2018, 10:36:51 PM
When going through the cards that you can discard/topdeck/trash when overpaying with doctor, it says "1 more" on the last card. It should say "no cards remaining" or something like that (accidentally discarded a gold because of this! Thankfully my opponent let me undo.)
Connection Problems / Oregon server very slow
29 August 2018, 07:16:23 AM
Each thing I do is taking seconds before the server responds.
So often I am in games that get slowed down because the curses have run out, and each time someone plays a torturer, the other players all need to click "don't discard." There are some limited circumstances where you *do* want to discard, given the option (possibly games with watchtower, tunnel, etc) but the overwhelming majority of the time, you just never want to discard for the rest of the game.

Would be great to have an autoplay option that did this.
I've had a few games lately where the other player has disconnected during my last turn or at some point where it was obvious that they would lose. Currently, I am waiting for my opponent to time out because I had to play a militia to get 8 to buy the last province, and they disconnected.

These don't appear to be malicious players, I think that they're thinking that they are quitting, but in reality, they are forcing their other player to wait for 5 minutes to force them to resign.

A little javascript can pop up a window when the user closes their browser window that asks them if they meant to resign, which would prevent this from happening accidentally.
Other Bugs / Game frozen after last province buy
14 October 2017, 12:21:38 PM
I've had this problem happen a few times where the game is over (3 piled, last prov gone) but it doesn't end, and no one can do anything, including resigning.

My game #7737005 is currently stuck.

(I know that this can be fixed by doing "kick & resign" - but I should have won this game.)
Observers are able to see the hands of both players, and while often this doesn't matter, it can in some circumstances. As an example, a player might take the 2nd to last prov while behind on points if they know that their opponent does not have enough money to buy the last prov on their turn.

I've played against a certain player twice, and both times someone (the same person) has immediately joined and observed the table. While I can't prove it, there's a possibility that this player is abusing the system by having the observer tell the player what my hand is.

There's really no reason that observers shouldn't just see the cards that are played as they are played.
Other Bugs / Undo sometimes doesn't show up
24 August 2017, 09:20:30 PM
Sometimes pressing "undo" does nothing - it doesn't pop up the "waiting to see if the other player will allow the undo" box for the player who pressed undo, or the "allow the other player to undo" box for the other player.

An example game where this happened is game #6258842. I think Possession messed it up there, maybe. I've seen this happen a number of times.