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Topics - johnk

How to Play / Hows the new premove menu work?
04 July 2022, 12:58:48 AM

Whats this do? Is there a guide somewhere? Thanks!
Feature Requests / Pick Sets for a Matched Game?
23 December 2017, 03:18:27 AM
I'd love the ability to say 'these are the sets I want to play, match me with a player', so I can try out some the new Nocturne ones.  There doesn't seem to be a way to do this:

- There are 'familiar' cards and I can say 'I'm unfamiliar with everything but Nocturne' and 'respect familiar cards' in the matching parameters, but it still gives me all kinds of cards outside my specifications.

- I can create a table and choose my sets there, but everyone uses matching, so I never get anyone joining my table (cant blame them, you cant see what kind of tables are available, ratings of players, etc).

I should be able to list sets that are 'allowed' 'required' 'not allowed', and then it will match me with someone with compatible filters, choosing from the intersection of our allowed and required cards.  Would this be possible?

Thank you!