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Topics - HonkeyFresh

Seriously what's been up with the server for the last few weeks? I've had games where I've disconnected or my opponent is disconnected or often both over 10 to 11 times. Multiple times that when the opponent resigns or even just when random thing happens or often when the game ends, the game will freeze up. And this isn't something that's unique to just say me or my opponent or something like that. Today it happens and when I went to go re-login, I only had three friends listed on the right and then over the next 5 to 10 minutes I'm imagined as people re-logged in or restarted, or reloaded or whatever they did to rectify that, or maybe just wait for it to fix itself. Everyone came back in and the entire list of people was there. I never consider that maybe it's a collective thing that the server is just knocking everybody off at some point in time for some reason I don't know.

Oh, and another random weird thing that seems to be in a similar vein. Whenever I do a way of the butterfly to return the card I never get an option to do either return the card or don't do it, which is like strangely one of the options that you have to choose. When I click where the butterfly options are given to me. But if I just reload the page, then the normal give it back or don't go to options show up.

Sometimes when doing premoves you will accidentally click one, especially now that you can accidentally remove the wrong action as the remove variants are kinda small and close together.  Also sometimes when you try and unclick the remove it just ends up stacking more on top. very often I'll just end up refreshing the whole page in this scenario, but it could be much easier to get a "cancel all premoves" button.

Or maybe after a remove is made a little red x appears in the lower left of the card (opposite the 1/2/3 that appears in the upper rights corner for multiple removes)?  Both would be really neat.  Thanks in advance!

For whatever reason today after I had to wait a good 2 minutes for all cards to load (this has actually been happening a lot lately) but for whatever reason my "end actions" button never appeared.  It has been like that for the last 6 games or so.  I recorded something and will upload in a minute.  But the button is still there so if I click on the area where it would be I can click it.  But it took me a while as I had an early 6 with two experiments in hand and finally figured out how to do it.
So when you click premoves (even cards you don't own) sometimes the removes gets suck on that and will list moves that you can't/don't want to make.  If you click and unclick that card this glitch resets.

However in this game the remove got stuck on a mining village, which wasn't even in the deck, as it must've ended the last game stuck ( I think I removed b/c he couldn't win and I didn't expect him to take the last province down 6.

From another FDS thread

Especially when people stack these all the time, it really slows the game to play them individually one at a time. And if there's undo's or changeling it's almost unbearable.  Literally the biggest no-brainer in the history of the Earth.  At a bare minimum could we get an under-the-card autoplay option to always play all supplies that we could turn off in the rare game where its not wanted (maybe wall end game or your opponent has a monkey in play etc-- but these are a rare exception to the 99.9% of the time where we all want to play every supplies we are lucky enough t draw.

Oh and it's undervalued too.  Like it's better than silver. Probably should cost 3 too.

I have mentioned this to 1000's of players since supplies was incepted.  All but one were like "fuck yeah that's awesome". and one person ever was merely ambivalent either way.

This is from another thread on FDS
and u could still play rated games as the decks are "random". just have parameters that make the game more enjoyable based on what types of decks make most players happy!  No losers here!

QuoteAnyone who has played with me has probably heard me throw in my philosophical opinions of certain aspects of dominions that I don't Like.  My most frequent is that I kind of hate Black Market and tournament because I find them fundamentally unfair.  The swings are so great with the prizes in Tournament that games are often almost over based on who gets the prize that is most useful in that particular kingdom (ie it lacks, actions, curses, buys, etc).  Same with Black market.  I once got a Fortune on t5.  That game was already over. Or a wall game where one person gets chapel and the other doesn't.  That game is essentially already over.  Because the uniqueness of the cards creates a wild imbalance.  IRL I rectified this by playing "Honkeyfresh's Black AF market" where I set up BM the same, but make TWO decks. One for each.  Then it truly is an easter egg game, where you start seeing cards appear in the other player's deck and get excited knowing what possibilities are out there.  I've also done this with tourney, but the prizes were just defaced coppersmiths that I turned into "Honkeyfresh's  Tourney for Two".  It is SOOOO much more fun and allows you to build the prizes to make a sweet engine, not by saying what do I have to get so that the other player doesn't first.  It would b really neat if somehow this tweak was added to the non rated games section to where you could play with two BM decks/prize piles, as it makes for a really fun, and eminently fairer game.

And many other times i will lament that this deck lacks "actions/buys/trashing/whatever it is".  But what if that could be changed?

We already have have the beginnings of this in the "add kingdom cards" section where you can pick what particular cards you want to be in the deck for non rated games.  What I envision would be options added to the set up area where you could check whichever of these boxes you wanted to be included in the game.

+action, +buy, attack, ensure trashing, guarantee +potion.

And the generator would just make sure that in the 10 cards that each of the conditions requested is met.  You could also do the reverse, as some people really don't like playing with attacks for eg, though i guess for practice for certain other times you could las set a dek to lack + buys, or + actions too.  The point is that you get to essentially set up a deck that you theoretically would have the most fun playing, without actually handpicking the cards each time to fit those parameters.
In a warchest game you can "bar them from getting cards 6-11, debt cards and potion cards, all of which are obviously un-gainable by warchest.  This is especially bad with the lack of replay confirmation on reactions problem

especially since all the new changes and errata are about making the game simpler for casual players why trick them into banning an ungainable card due to confusion? If it says ban an action card for eg you cant ban golds and provinces too, so why is that an option here?
I made a thread on FDS

QuoteIf you don't already know (and are wondering how some people play so quickly as your turn ends). you can now set up preplay in your settings.  It allows you to pick the order of cards that you will need to play (though it will break the chain to confirm discards/trashes/exiles etc)

The only real problem comes in when you have a preplay set, and then they play a card that requires a reaction (pick a card for contraband, don't reveal 1 from your hand for archer, pick a card for warchest etc) and if you have a preplay card already picked it will reveal that instead.  It leads to a lot of undos, and then people griping >:( (like I had a duchess set to play and then the guy revealed war chest but it instead blocked them from gaining a duchess on their war chest, like i'd ban duchess when there are 4-5 cost cards on the board  :P then they get mad when i ban upgrade (the fairly obvious ban since it was t5) since that was the card they had already picked as soon as duchess was banned.  I told him if he really cared i'd pick a diff card and he still rage quit.  :o

A simple confirmation a la the discard/trash/exile function would eliminate this.  8)

all in all preplay is awesome though, just needs a lil tweak.
Support / Preplay Glitches: Won't preplay Ways
30 June 2022, 08:34:27 PM
When you click the little box with the Way on a card it plays it as the way.  When you do this replay it plays it normally.

This can really fuck up a hand and/or cause disagreements (you are cheating, I obviously wanted to play X" etc  as a way is often so different the card action.
Feature Requests / Play all supplies button!
22 February 2022, 07:08:36 AM
who would ever not want to play all supplies rather than hit each one individually 8x a turn?

This is a no brainer.