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Topics - jkommelb

Connection Problems / Server doesn't allow new games
11 January 2025, 02:02:47 AM
Why is this still happening?  How incompetent are the people who run the site?
Support / Connection issues
25 November 2024, 02:13:58 PM
I got booted from a game and now can't reconnect.  Seems like the servers are shot again
How to Play / Question re: Turn Totals and Fleet
30 October 2024, 05:39:23 PM
This issue came up during game 153176094, and I wanted to get some input/clarity on how Fleet affects turn totals for the purpose of game ties vs wins/losses.  Essentially, it seems as if the Fleet turn was not counted for the purposes of determining number of turns to decide the result when there is a tie score (in this case, only one player took a Fleet turn).  I always read "extra round of turns" as meaning it would count that, as opposed to something like Outpost where you're taking another turn WITHIN the same round of turns.  The Dominion Strategy Wiki doesn't seem to clarify this for my mind, so I wanted to know if I'm misinterpreting, if the game is miscoded for that situation, or if it's kind of a living question at the moment.  Thanks!
AI bugs / Can't play Druid in Lord Rat game
13 October 2024, 01:31:28 AM
When I continued a game following a resignation against Lord Rat, I played a Druid and then couldn't select the boon.  The info bar says "Which boon?" but nothing comes up.  Tried undoing and same effect

Game 152317870
Other Bugs / Asking to force resignation early
27 September 2024, 04:56:44 PM
I've had this happen a couple times today, including right now with game 151569305.

Despite my opponent playing in a timely manner, I have gotten the "make [username] resign" prompt.  The prompt will go away after a little while, but in the meantime I could (were I so inclined) make an opponent resign who hasn't done anything wrong.  Presumably others have had this happened as well.
AI bugs / Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
14 August 2024, 04:10:24 PM
In my last few games against Lord Rat, when I complete a game ending turn, it doesn't "end" the game; instead it says "you may resolve an effect" and just sits there.  Most recent game 149276599
Connection Problems / Can't log in
12 August 2024, 07:41:07 PM
Just says "loading game" below the PW box, nothing happens.  1:40pm GMT-4
Card Bugs / Elder + Pawn
27 November 2023, 09:17:00 PM
Game 134626544 Turn 19
If you play Elder + Pawn, and click the top option (to do +Card/+Action) it doesn't give you the opportunity to select a third option as well.  If you select each of them individually it does.  This should be fixed
Connection Problems / "waiting on undefined"
07 November 2023, 03:56:08 PM
I was in the middle of a game (no game # available since it wouldn't reconnect) and had to refresh, at which point I got the message in the screenshot.  I attempted to reconnect multiple times over several minutes to no avail.  Really getting sick of all these connection problems...
Connection Problems / Bad lag on Frankfurt
23 October 2023, 02:45:25 PM
Game 132519842, both of us are experiencing really awful lag.  We've both disconnected and reconnected with no improvement. 
Card Bugs / Harbor Village Possible Bug
23 August 2023, 03:21:27 PM
Unsure if this is a bug or just a quirk of the order, but neither I nor my opponent were confident either way:

Played Harbor Village, followed by Overlord to play Wine Merchant.  Our thought was we should get the +1 coin from Harbor Village because the Overlord RESULTED in getting +coins, but maybe it's because the Overlord isn't the one actually giving them?

Game 128946350
Connection Problems / Cannot log in
07 August 2023, 06:54:03 PM
Attempting to log in (username jkommelb) and just getting "loading game" indefinitely.  Tried two different browsers, no luck.
Feature Requests / Circle of Witches
09 June 2023, 07:25:45 PM
Circle of Witches continues to ask if you'd like to use your favors to make the other person gain a curse after all curses are gone.  A feature like with Torturer where you can turn off having that asked would be great.
Card Bugs / Idol not triggering Diplomat
17 April 2023, 08:48:08 PM
Game 121265792

Opponent played Idol while I had a Diplomat in my hand, but it did not give me the option to react (opponent turn 9).  Interestingly, it DID trigger in turn 19
AI bugs / Bug...ish?
15 March 2023, 06:46:35 PM
Not sure this qualifies as a bug, but was finishing a game against Lord Rat after my opponent resigned, and multiple times when Lord Rat played Archer, it made me discard a Territory, instead of choosing any of the other cards I had in my hand, including gold both times.  I know building out a competent AI is REALLLLLLLLLLLY hard, but Lord Rat is just absolutely terrible.  Please, please, please make it better.
Card Bugs / Auto end actions not working on Crown
16 February 2023, 02:51:17 PM
Game 117334829.  There are no "Ways" to impact this.
Card Bugs / Walled Village Auto-select issue
18 January 2023, 04:54:48 PM
Walled Village isn't automatically topdecking despite having the autoselect put to Always Topdeck; instead it prompts me to make the decision.

Games 115374855 and 115375411
Card Bugs / Fated Possible Issue
18 January 2023, 03:17:11 PM
Unsure if this is a bug or if I'm just not understanding how the mechanic is being implemented, but when a card is "Fated" I'm not ever seeing a choice to put on the bottom, only the top, of the deck.  This has occurred twice for me, but the last time was in game 115370277
Game 114260639

In the chat box got a message (in red) saying that it seemed that I had lost connection to the server.  Attempted to reload the game, as well as log in on another device, and it was unable to do so; however, when I canceled and resigned it went back to the lobby just fine.  (And I was winning, damnit!)

ETA:  I'm actually unable to start a new game; it will load the lobby just fine, but when I click "Start Search" nothing happens
Card Bugs / Possible Villa/Sheepdog Interaction Bug?
03 January 2023, 01:28:15 AM
Not sure if this is a bug or I'm just confused about the mechanic, but when I used a Workshop to gain a Villa, and triggered the Sheepdogs in my hand first, the Villa never went into my hand.  If I chose the Villa to go into my hand first, everything worked fine. 

Game 114260639