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Topics - tracer

Card Bugs / Royal Carriage on trashed Knight
27 June 2017, 03:04:46 AM
Game #4711125 amoffett11 turn 10

amoffett plays Dame Sylvia, calls RC on it, it is then trashed by another knight, and he was still able to call a second RC to play it again despite it no longer being in play.
Game #4221715 gloures turn 7 I think

When Giant attacks and does not reveal a card, it should give a curse (and I think I have seen it do so in the past). In this case, it did not.
Other Bugs / Replays of rated games always rated
18 April 2017, 05:17:04 AM
When you load a game that was rated and set the game to be not rated, this setting does not seem to hold in the loaded game.
Game Log Issues / Contraband split piles
06 April 2017, 09:22:43 AM
Game #2605976

On turn 9 - ceviri, Contraband is played and the opponent names Avanto, however the log shows that Sauna was named. Avanto was unable to be bought, so that part is working correctly.

I would guess that this issue is not unique to the Sauna/Avanto split pile.
When one has the option to discard for benefit, for example with a Plaza, and has other action cards in hand, the text in the info box should indicate what one has the option of doing like it does when there are no action cards in hand to play - both so that one knows that the option exists and why it exists.
Card Bugs / Conspirator extra counting
13 January 2017, 11:33:48 PM
Game #311165 on tokyo

Turn 13 for daavor:

d starts their turn.
d gets +1 Coin (Caravan Guard).
d plays a Familiar.
j reacts with a Caravan Guard.
j plays a Caravan Guard.
j draws a Silver.
d shuffles their deck.
d draws a Conspirator.
j gains a Curse.
d plays a Conspirator.
d draws a Potion.
d plays a Conspirator.
d draws a Governor.
d plays a Governor.
d trashes a Potion.
d gains a Gold.
d moves 1 VP from the Gold pile to Aqueduct.
j trashes a Curse.
d plays 3 Coppers.
d buys and gains a Province.
d takes 1 VP from Aqueduct.
d draws a Copper, a Silver, an Estate, a Conspirator and a Caravan Guard.

The first played Conspirator should not have drawn - either it is counting the duration Caravan Guard or the opponent's Caravan Guard play (I think it is the latter) when it should not.
Game #170380 on oregon

At the end of my turn 11, I have two Coin of the Realms on my tavern mat and my opponent has none.
At the start of my opponent's turn 11, they were given the option to call a Coin of the Realm. Doing so did nothing for me or them (despite the display of 3 actions in the screenshot), but did take the Coin off of the mat and it displayed in the play area at the start of my following turn.

We did an undo back to before that point - my opponent did not have the same option the following turn.
Game #31031 on oregon

I entered as a spectator just as the game was ending and ended up viewing the kingdom with nothing happening rather than being directed to an end of game screen.
Card Bugs / Sentry reveals to opponent
31 December 2016, 06:00:50 AM
Game #805 when opponent played a Sentry I was able to see the cards whereas the card text says "look at".
AI bugs / Discard everything to opponent's Vault
24 December 2016, 09:52:43 AM
This might also be a card bug, but the more I think about it the more I doubt it.

Game #5170 on frankfurt-test2

Turn 16: the AI repeatedly discards to my Vaults leaving it with no cards in hand. When I play a Vault and it has no cards in hand, it goes into endless wait for the AI to do something.

This seems like it is the AI refusing to take the no discard option and so becoming stuck - I don't know that this situation would ever arise with a human player but forcing no discard seems appropriate.
Game #5059 on frankfurt-test2

In turn 13 or 14 for Burning Skull, he played Black Market which discarded those cards automatically due to his having debt. To confirm that he hadn't messed up, he did an undo and played the Black Market to the same result. This all went smoothly.

On my following turn, I started out the turn being able to see the cards that his Black Market had revealed, as one can see in the attached screenshot. Later that turn, when playing Black Markets of my own, this display went away and I was unable to see the cards I had the option of buying - an undo to before playing those Black Markets allowed me to see the cards.
Other Bugs / Undo led to turns happening that didn't
20 December 2016, 10:13:54 PM
#3688 on frankfurt-test2

Emeric did an undo from buy phase to action phase either turn 13 or 14. This somehow led to me having a turn 14 which I did not play - something did it for me. His turn 13 may also have been messed up.

I'm not sure how else to describe what happened. Neither of us tried to undo to that point.