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Messages - TheSeal

I am getting both errors described above. First I get " Server doesn't allow new games". This occurs both on Automatch and when trying to create a table. When I click the "Other Server" button, I get "Other Server Not Available". Clearly there's a server issue. Please let us know when it is resolved.
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
20 September 2024, 09:45:11 PM
Another 151230938

From the perspective of "I'm glad it's not just me" I'm gratified to see more "me too" replies here as well as similar threads being added. On the other hand, it's a pain the problem continues. Can we get a status update on the problem from a moderator?
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
14 September 2024, 02:12:18 AM
Another 150890073
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
13 September 2024, 09:30:20 PM
Add another. I realized giving the game number may help 150878404
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
10 September 2024, 01:44:35 AM
Chalk up another freeze with the bot replacing a resigned opponent.
AI bugs / Re: Debt from Litter and Wine Merchant
10 September 2024, 01:36:00 AM
I came over here to report the issue. When I went back to the game and hit refresh as that is what I do when the bot freezes at the end of the game, it just took me back to the game. I hit resign. Nothing happened. When I refreshed again it took me back to the login screen.
AI bugs / Debt from Litter and Wine Merchant
10 September 2024, 01:34:07 AM
Ugh! I've been dealing with Lord R freezing at the end of games when it replaces a resigned opponent. This time I didn't even make it to the end of the game. It played a Litter followed by a Wine Merchant resulting in 4 coins to spend and 1 debt. Since the bot seems to freeze when it has to make a decision, I suspect either the decision to pay off the debt or to pay the two to remove the Wine Merchant from the tavern caused the issue.
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
10 September 2024, 01:25:01 AM
Clearly I should have reported this sooner rather than hoping it would fix itself. I have checked the "Known Issues" list. I will keep checking back here every time it freezes at the end of a game with Lord Rattington and letting you know if froze again which it just did. Given there are not a lot of people jumping on this thread, it suggests that either many people do not "Continue with bots" after their opponent resigns or there is something about my setup that is causing the problem. As I said in my first post on this thread, I am using the current version of Firefox, 130.0. My ad blocker is disabled for the domain. Someone please help.
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
09 September 2024, 10:13:25 PM
And again
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
09 September 2024, 09:50:23 PM
Just happened again
AI bugs / Re: Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
07 September 2024, 09:13:23 PM
Let me add a "me too" to this thread. It started happening with the update that gave us the newest cards. When a player resigns, I usually like to finish the game. I do and then it just hangs with the message "Waiting for Lord Rattington". I have to reload my browser. None of the other buttons work. I'm then taken to the log-in screen rather than back to Automatch. I am using the latest version of Firefox.
AI bugs / Re: Bot freeze on playing Weaver
12 March 2023, 09:43:28 PM
Let me add a "me too" to this post. Bot froze with Weaver on game #118953853
Card Bugs / Re: Two Voyage Turns with Ghost
01 March 2022, 08:44:02 PM
I see the difference between Outpost and Voyage. Thanks for that clarification. I'm trying to think of a situation where the "If the previous turn wasn't yours" applies to Voyage. Could you clarify further with an example?
Card Bugs / Two Voyage Turns with Ghost
01 March 2022, 08:04:28 PM
In game #96525294 my opponent was able to get two turns from Voyage when it was played with the Ghost. This surprised me as I expected the second turn to fail just as when Ghost plays Outpost.  Am I misunderstanding the text "If the previous turn wasn't yours"? Thanks.
Interface Issues / Trash Pop-up in Chrome
01 March 2022, 06:57:17 PM
Since the update, if I switch tabs during a game and pass my cursor over the trash box after returning, the trash pop-up appears and must be closed via the X. To be clear, this happens when I return from another tab, move my cursor from the tabs in my browser to the game, and happen to pass over the trash box. If I am within the game and hover over the trash box, it behaves as expected, appearing then disappearing when the cursor is moved away from the trash.