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Messages - Orange

Losers' Bracket / Re: Losers' Bracket Round 2 Signups
08 October 2017, 05:44:04 PM
Orange 4 - raaaaaaaandy 2

Feature Requests / Re: Ela's suggestion thread
12 December 2016, 05:28:51 AM
Quote from: Elanchana on 11 December 2016, 09:09:01 PM
Spending coin tokens doesn't show in the log

No way to see revealed cards with Rebuild without checking the log

What you do in resolving Hamlet doesn't show in the log
Feature Requests / Re: Continuous Twitch Stream
12 December 2016, 05:28:07 AM
Quote from: dan on 11 December 2016, 07:48:11 PM
So here is an idea for a long-term feature that I think would be interesting (and generate publicity).

A 24/7 twitch stream that spectates matches in progress. After 1 game finishes it would move to another.

Wow, yes, this.
Feature Requests / Re: Show Everything
12 December 2016, 05:27:19 AM
Quote from: allanfieldhouse on 12 December 2016, 03:16:11 AM
Quote from: Beyond Awesome on 12 December 2016, 01:37:49 AM
Donald X. suggested once removing the log and making it playable without it.

This 100%

The log needs to be purely optional. A good example for where the log should be used is "Wait a second, how many silvers am I going to gain if I play this Treasure Hunter?" The log shouldn't be used for "I played a card...what the hell just happened?"

Count me as one more voice in favor of this.
Feature Requests / Durations stack
12 December 2016, 05:24:44 AM
When I have a previous-turn duration, then open my new turn with the same duration, they stack instead of having some way to show they are from different turns.  So for instance, I have 2 Lighthouses in play from last turn.  My first play this turn is a Lighthouse.  The display shows me and my opponents a Lighthouse with a "3" in the corner.  It would be nice if it was clear from the display which are from which turn.
Connection Problems / Re: Already logged in
10 December 2016, 10:07:51 PM
Okay I'm back in.  Not sure what happened.
Connection Problems / Re: Already logged in
10 December 2016, 10:01:51 PM
No button, just this screen:

Connection Problems / Re: Already logged in
10 December 2016, 09:56:04 PM
Quote from: Stef on 10 December 2016, 09:53:55 PM
Quote from: Orange on 10 December 2016, 09:50:14 PM
When I attempt to log in from the main screen, I get a dialog box that says I'm already logged in, but I stay at the log in screen.  This is on Chrome on a Chromebook.

if the client thinks you're already logged in (and it could be right, don't know) you can get rid of the other session by using "kick"

How do I use "kick"?
Connection Problems / Already logged in [SOLVED]
10 December 2016, 09:50:14 PM
When I attempt to log in from the main screen, I get a dialog box that says I'm already logged in, but I stay at the log in screen.  This is on Chrome on a Chromebook.