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Messages - suet63

General Discussion / Re: GET YOUR SERVERS FIXED
09 September 2024, 05:53:41 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 28 August 2024, 06:23:49 PMThe servers are exchanged and the inactive one is rebooted every hour, to prevent the accumulating problems with servers getting laggier over time. The continuation from one server to the next works generally, so all you see is a short message that you are changing servers.

But you are right that sometimes the session cookies expires or otherwise don't continue to work, then you need to login again. :-(

are there two separate queues for 'normal server' and 'other server'? which server has more players, so i can find an opponent faster?
My conspirator becomes terminal, it means it doesn't count as I 'play' Pirate this turn. So it has to be I played Pirate as 'reaction' in the previous turn, but I thought the duration effect means I play it this turn as well (to gain Collection)? Pirate is 'action' card, and the ability above the line is its action, I execute the effect this turn so it should mean I play the action part this turn?

photo :
2024 : List of easier cards

Alchemy                  -11 (potion)                  ->  1/12
Prosperity              -3  (collection, king's court, war chest)  ->  22/25
Cornucopia & Guilds      -4  (overpay)                  ->  15/26

Empires                    -15  (vp token, debt)        ->  9/24
Menagerie                  -17  (horses, exile, mastermind) -> 13/30
Plunder                    -40  (haven't learnt)        ->  0/40
Promos                -3 (command, black market*)              -> 7/10

cards learnt  :  181/285. //

level1 (26) + level2 (52) + level3 (62)  - war chest (1) - mastermind (1) - pluder (10) + rest of intrigue (5) + rest of seaside (10)  + some rest of prosperity (16) + rest of hinterlands [preview] (19) + rest of promos (3) =  181.

378-difficult cards = 285.
Updated : Cornucopia 2E, Guilds 2E, Farm, Marchland.
Support / website looks slow and laggy
06 July 2022, 10:06:31 PM
on, sometimes card images load slowly, sometimes the 'money' icon doesn't appear , sometimes autoplay all copper looks laggy. Sometimes it does not. How to know if it is my network problem, or the website itself is slow (because there are many images)?
Done! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
General Discussion / Re: Rules enquiry (monkey)
30 June 2022, 01:02:22 PM
@the first part

I try to use the 'timeline' concept, that the card my opponent gain, my monkey draw, and my falconer play, happens simultaneously. But it's not right.

@second part

I guess it is the "you may 'FIRST' play" phrase indicating I can play multiple reactions.

How about can I use the same reaction card for multiple times towards the same event? For example I have 10 cards in hand, and one of them is diplomat, my opponents plays a witch, can I use one diplomat card to sift multiple times? If I can't, does it mean in real life games, I need to set aside my diplomat to prevent me from using it for many times? I found the answer on wiki while reading 'reactions', and it's Yes, but usually people won't do that much.

@third part

Thanks for the explanation for the concept 'timing window'. Clear enough. But I wonder how a laymen player could interpret the game in this way. I find out the 'reaction' page on wiki is what I need. And your timing window explanation is a clearer version of some phrases written there.

Thanks anyways problem solved I guess ^_^

General Discussion / Re: Rules enquiry (monkey)
29 June 2022, 10:03:04 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 29 June 2022, 09:02:01 PM
Quote from: suet63 on 29 June 2022, 04:22:31 PM

1.When the player to your right gains a card on their turn, they resolve any of their on-gain effects before you draw a card (which could matter vs Skirmisher).


Quote from: suet63 on 29 June 2022, 04:22:31 PM
2.If Monkey draws a Reaction that can react to the card they gained (such as Falconer), you can immediately use it.

Also correct.

Quote from: suet63 on 29 June 2022, 04:22:31 PM
When opponent gains a card, they resolve their on-gain effects. They finish resolve it, then I draw a card. If I draw a reaction card (Falconer), why can I immediately use it? I thought my opponent already finish his on-gain effect and the 'gain' is finished. Am I right? ::)

The reaction/trigger window for the gain is not finished until all players have in turn declined to use a Reaction or triggered ability. With the (wrong) method you are describing here, a Moat couldn't ever be used to block an attack, as your opponent usually never has some Reaction or trigger for their own attack.

I misread the falconer card. In this case, I can play falconer because of the card gained by monkey, not directly because of the card my opponent gain.....

So, if I have a monkey in play, and my opponent gains a province (victory card), and I draw a card (Black Cat), I cannot play it, because I only have Black Cat after my opponent finishes resolving the gain effect of the province. Is this right..?

I also want to ask, can I play multiple reaction cards on ONE card that my opponent plays? Say he plays witch, I use guard dog to draw 2cards, I draw a moat, can I use the moat to block the witch attack?
General Discussion / Rules enquiry (monkey)
29 June 2022, 04:22:31 PM

1.When the player to your right gains a card on their turn, they resolve any of their on-gain effects before you draw a card (which could matter vs Skirmisher).

2.If Monkey draws a Reaction that can react to the card they gained (such as Falconer), you can immediately use it.


When opponent gains a card, they resolve their on-gain effects. They finish resolve it, then I draw a card. If I draw a reaction card (Falconer), why can I immediately use it? I thought my opponent already finish his on-gain effect and the 'gain' is finished. Am I right? ::)
Admin said there is a hidden 'preview', affecting the auto match making queue. How does it affect me? Long time ago there is a preview option, and I turn it off. Does it mean I can no longer meet a player who turns preview on at that time?
Level1 (26)

Base (26)


Level2 (52)

Intrigue : Courtyard, Masquerade, Shanty Town, Swindler, Conspirator, Minion, Patrol, Replace, Trading Post, Upgrade (10)

Seaside : Lookout, Sea Chart, Warehouse, Cutpurse, Salvager, Treasure Map, Bazaar (7)

Prosperity : Worker's Village, Magnate, Expand (3)

Cornucopia & Guilds : Hamlet, Menagerie, Remake, Carnival, Hunting Party, Jester, Soothsayer (7)

Hinterlands : Oasis, Cartographer, Stables, Wheelwright, Witch's Hut (5)

Dark Ages : Sage, Storeroom, Armory, Scavenger, Wandering Minstrel, Junk Dealer, Altar (7)

Nocturne : Tragic Hero (1)

Renaissance : Mountain Village, Old Witch, Scholar, Seer (4)

Allies : Sentinel, Courier, Barbarian, Hunter, Marquis (5)

Plunder : Fortune Hunter, Pilgrim (2)

Promos : Dismantle (1)


Level3 (62)

Intrigue : Pawn, Steward, Wishing Well, Baron, Mill, Mining Village, Secret Passage, Duke, Torturer, Farm, Nobles (11)

Seaside : Haven, Astrolabe, Fishing Village, Smugglers, Caravan, Tide Pools, Merchant Ship, Sea Witch, Tactician, Wharf (10)

Prosperity : Anvil, Crystal Ball, War Chest, Bank (4)

Cornucopia & Guilds : Shop, Advisor, Journeyman, Fairgrounds (4)

Hinterlands : Fool's Gold, Spice Merchant (2)

Dark Ages : Counterfeit, Mystic (2)

Adventures : Amulet, Dungeon, Gear, Magpie, Treasure Trove (5)

Empires : Archive (1)

Nocturne : Conclave (1)

Renaissance : Research (1)

Menagerie : Barge, Hunting Lodge, Mastermind (3)

Allies : Carpenter, Innkeeper, Royal Galley, Town, Capital City, Modify, Specialist (7)

Plunder : Cabin Boy, Crew, Crucible, Enlarge, Grotto, King's Cache, Longship, Rope, Silver Mine, Wealthy Village (10)

Promos : Envoy (1)


Level4 (47)

Intrigue : Ironworks (1)

Seaside : Outpost (1)

Prosperity : Bishop, Investment, Monument, Mint, Rabble (5)

Cornucopia & Guilds : Farmhands (1)

Hinterlands : Nomads, Berserker, Inn, Margrave, Border Village, Farmland (6)

Dark Ages : Squire, Market Square, Feodum, Fortress, Ironmonger, Rats, Catacombs, Hunting Grounds ( 8 )

Adventures : Messenger, Port, Artificer, Lost City (4)

Empires : Chariot Race, Farmers' Market, Sacrifice, Temple, Forum, Groundskeeper, Wild Hunt (7)

Renaissance : Experiment, Hideout (2)

Menagerie : Kiln (1)

Allies : Galleria, Swap (2)

Plunder : Buried Treasure, Figurine, First Mate, Gondola, Siren, Swamp Shacks, Tools (7)

Promos : Church, Marchland (2)


What are the non-functional changes for those cards? I suppose some delete the 'when you play' this phrase, but I don't know about the rest.
I don't have time to read this yet.