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Messages - Brucifer

AI bugs / Lord Rattington Reaches Level 64!
14 August 2024, 05:56:40 AM
Lord Rattington gained 25 points today to reach level 64. I think you need to look at the log and see what's happening, because it probably isn't the case that your AI just got very much smarter. One thing I noticed was that if I pressed "ready" on my table before my partner joined the table, I ended up - ahem - playing with myself. No other players in the game and not much point to do anything but resign. And it may be that Lord Rattington got the score for that.
Support / Re: I think the Server is down
13 August 2024, 05:25:20 AM
I have gotten the impression, from previous outages, that this is the sort of company where everybody goes home at 5, nobody is on a pager, and you just have to wait for them to come in tomorrow and fix it.
Yes, can't log in from here at all.
General Discussion / Re: Can't Login
17 January 2024, 10:12:23 PM
Hi Stef,

I'm a little concerned that there is no fallback and, apparently, nothing monitoring the Websocket server and paging anyone, etc. Now, that might be too much to ask for a game that's costing a limited number of people $5/month. I was surprised that there were not _more_ messages about that failure. Maybe this isn't really a going concern?

General Discussion / Re: Can't Login
17 January 2024, 06:16:14 AM
It appears that the game is down for everyone tonight.
If anyone's on duty at Shuffle-IT tonight, they have their hands full. But the absence of a message makes me think there's nobody home. The websocket server that coordinates the game seems to be down, and although the program has told me it's playing through various Amamazon Web Services sites, it's not falling back to one tonight.

I downloaded the Android version from Temple Gates Games. They have only implemented 4 extension decks, and you have to purchase each one, or play with the base deck.
That last address is in Amazon Web Services, so naively I guess there's something wrong with your AWS server tonight.
Traceroute says I'm getting three hops out of Comcast's network and not reaching the host.

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  OpenWrt.lan (  10.283 ms  10.575 ms  10.555 ms
 2 (  10.505 ms  10.486 ms  10.824 ms
 3 (  18.794 ms  19.126 ms  20.747 ms
 4 (  19.081 ms  19.635 ms  20.296 ms
 5 (  31.160 ms  31.679 ms  31.660 ms
 6 (  31.640 ms  23.653 ms  17.262 ms
 7 (  29.066 ms (  29.055 ms (  29.037 ms
 8 (  29.023 ms  29.005 ms (  24.781 ms
 9 (  26.237 ms (  47.548 ms (  26.197 ms
10 (  58.306 ms (  58.335 ms (  26.622 ms
11 (  26.610 ms (  26.117 ms (  36.892 ms
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So tonight, it's the Websocket server not answering. On the JavaScript console, I see:

connection.js:14 WebSocket connection to 'wss://'; failed
(stack dump)
165: Metaserver connection error (id: 0, currentId: 0). Event {isTrusted: true, type: 'error', target: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2, ...}isTrusted: truebubbles: falsecancelBubble: falsecancelable: falsecomposed: falsecurrentTarget: WebSocket {url: 'wss://';, readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, onopen: ƒ, onerror: ƒ, ...}defaultPrevented: falseeventPhase: 0returnValue: truesrcElement: WebSocket {url: 'wss://';, readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, onopen: ƒ, onerror: ƒ, ...}target: WebSocket {url: 'wss://';, readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, onopen: ƒ, onerror: ƒ, ...}timeStamp: 844.6999999992549type: "error"[[Prototype]]: Event
My access to other web sites is fast as ever. Dominion can take a minute just to load the game, and then fails to load images, leading to a partial user interface throughout the game, or just loads images really slowly. Often it disconnects, and then seems to chide me, offering the chance to disconnect and resign, as if its problems were my fault.

Yesterday started turning off "rated game" if Colonies or Shelters was set to Yes. It seems to insist that they be set to random to hold a rated game.

To me this is a strong disincentive to play rated games, and once no longer playing rated games, one must wonder why one is playing Dominion at all or paying monthly for additional decks.

It also seems a bit backwards. It might be better to move Colony and the three Shelter cards from Dark Ages and Prosperity to the base set in the case of rated games.

Perhaps this is thought to make rating more fair. But this might be ineffective if rated games are still played with different extensions.

