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Messages - Beyond Awesome

Feature Requests / Re: Blacklisting
19 March 2017, 09:22:06 PM
Unfortunately, I think Trump is causing people to act racist online. I don't recall this kind of behavior before he took office, like ever. I think people are doing it because they want to get a rise and they think it's cool now that since the President is..., well, I'm not going to say anything. I don't want to get political, but anyway racism should not be tolerated in anyway whatsoever.
I'm pretty sure MF had an auto blacklist like Burning Skulls is suggesting. If anything, this is probably the best way to deal with this situation. Obviously, very abusive should still be reported though. Maybe if you blacklist someone you can get the option to report the person if you felt they were doing something bad i.e. intentionally stalling, saying very bad stuff in the messenger, etc.
Feature Requests / Re: Adam's thoughts
13 December 2016, 01:42:25 AM
I agree with this 100%, especially the check boxes. Right now, it's overwhelming reading through all the options on cards like Courtier and Pawn.
Feature Requests / Re: Table list
13 December 2016, 01:41:09 AM
Make it like Goko did except maybe also display player rating next to the table as well.
Feature Requests / Re: Show Everything
12 December 2016, 01:37:49 AM
Donald X. suggested once removing the log and making it playable without it. I believe he was right. While I love the log, as it is, the setup is very confusing for people new to Dominion or for those who don't use a log to play. There are a lot of people that are purely visual.