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Messages - Dwedit

AI bugs / Re: Bot freeze on playing Weaver
18 April 2024, 03:11:56 AM
Just saw this happen.
I suspect that caching might not be working properly, because the base cards did not load from the cache.
I'm in a game where the "End Buys" button failed to load, so I am forced to use all buys just to end the turn, even if I have to buy copper.

I see a lot of error messages in the JS console, like these:

Loading failed for images/materials/gold_button.jpg. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/materials/stone_button.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/materials/stone_button_small.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/materials/copper_button_round.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/add.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/add-bot.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/bot.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/dice.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/exit.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/heart-small.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/heart-small-dark.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/heart-small-left.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/heart-small-right.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/indicator-off.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/indicator-on.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/lightning-small.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/lightning-small-dark.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/minus.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/play.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
Loading failed for images/elements/debt_130.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121

If I expand one of them, I see this:

Loading failed for images/elements/close-button.png. raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
    3]</e/t[n raven-3.7.0.min.js:49
    t preloader.js:42
    r raven-3.7.0.min.js:104
I've see this happen several times now.  I'm in a game, and a reload the page.  Instead of getting back to the game, the game loads and I'm taken  to the main screen, not back into the game I was in.
When you react to an attack by playing Caravan Guard using Way of the Otter, you draw two cards, and Caravan Guard goes into play.

But I'm seeing it get discarded immediately when your turn starts.  Is this supposed to happen, or is it supposed to stay in play?
Card Bugs / Problem playing Soldier with Capitalism?
15 August 2023, 04:21:15 PM
I'm not sure if this is actually a real problem or not, but I just had a game where my opponent had to refresh the page every time I played Soldier as a treasure from Capitalism.
Interface Issues / Re: Waiting for Undefined
03 July 2023, 03:56:13 AM
Just saw it happen again...
Interface Issues / {{$ctrl.getTitleText()}}
24 June 2023, 10:19:49 PM
Saw this happen after a match.  I think it happened because I was using uMatrix and did not unblock
Interface Issues / Waiting for Undefined
12 June 2023, 02:35:22 AM
Somehow got this message to appear when trying to rematch an opponent, then reloading after it took too long.
Any word on this?

Sometimes the main internet goes down, and I need to connect through tethering on a mobile phone.  This makes use of a proxy server.  But trying to connect through a proxy server fails here, so I can't play at all.
Just had to check, and indeed crypt wants cards face down.  It requires the treasures to be face up at time of being taken from play, and that proves that they are treasures.
Would Stash need its special card back revealed, or does it just stay underneath the card so it's not shown?
Was playing a game, moved the -2 cost token from Knights to the Seer pile, and a non-functioning -2 cost token lingered around on the Knights pile.
I'm seeing this happen again.
It appears that all login attempts fail if I am using a proxy server to connect.  I just get the "Server connection was closed or could not be established" message.

JS Console says this:

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at wss:// connection.js:14:25
20005: Metaserver connection error (id: 0, currentId: 0).
error { target: WebSocket, isTrusted: true, srcElement: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, ... }
20006: Metaserver connection closed (id: 0, currentId: 0).
close { target: WebSocket, isTrusted: true, wasClean: false, code: 1006, reason: "", srcElement: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, ... }
20008: Close event code: 1006 raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
20008: Close event string: CLOSE_ABNORMAL raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121
20009: Meta Connection closed; game isn't connected so resetting raven-3.7.0.min.js:49:121

edit: Not sure if there is a problem with the proxy server itself not forwarding the wss protocol?
When I play "Lurker" with reckless in effect, it is making me trash two cards from the supply, and not letting me gain one of them from the trash.