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Topics - santamonica811

General Discussion / fun combo: KC + Monument cards only
30 September 2021, 04:11:56 AM
Game: 8626 2763 Tokyo.  Playing with Lord Rat.

Board had Kings Court, Monument, and Donate.  I ignored everything except KC and Monument, plus enough coins to get me up to 7 fairly quickly.  Once I had 2 KC and 3 Monuments, I used Donate to trash all the other cards I had accumulated.  So, with KC, KC, Mon(x3) as my only 5 cards, I could play them all each turn, and get 18 coins and 9 VP from then on.  Never bought another card with the 18 coins, of course.  So, with this board, a foolproof and automatic 9 VP each turn.  (Would never have worked with handsize-reduction or curser attack cards in the kingdom, or without Donate in the kingdom.)

It was a fun board to play around with.  I'm sure I'll never see this kind of kingdom out in the real world, of course. 
Game 70864750.  Turn 18 (for example)

When I play Golem, there is no way for me to use Royal Carriage, to allow me to play Golem a 2nd time.
The text for RC says, in essence, 'Directly after you finish playing an Action card (if it's still in play), you can call this from the Tavern Mat.'

In an IRL game, I think the process would be: 1. RC is on the Tavern Mat already. 2. I play Golem.  3. I immediately announce that I will also be playing RC on Golem this turn.  (ie, I think I have to do this before I scroll through my deck to turn up the next 2 Action cards, as the text does say "directly after."  But maybe not...maybe I get to see both Action cards that Golem turns up before I have to commit to using RC.)  4.  I play out the Golem's first 2 Action cards.  5.  I play out Golem's final 2 action cards. [Or, if "directly after finishing playing Golem" is actually after you see those first 2 Action cards, then that is when I should be given the choice to play RC.]

But, obviously, at SOME point in a turn, one has finished playing Golem (or any other card, other than--I guess--maybe a Princed card or maybe the initial turn of a Duration card, or something like that.).  Right?  I can't see anything in the text of RC that excludes or precludes using it on Golem.  An AI bug?  Or am I missing something?

[And since I'm already asking...If I do have a Princed Action card, and on a particular turn I decide to use Royal Carriage on it; does that remove it from being Princed for the rest of the game?  Or do I get the RC double effect for that one turn, and subsequent turns go back to the normal Princed-card effect???]  :)
AI bugs / Kiln not gaining an Imp
05 March 2021, 11:58:56 PM
Game: 6878 8159, Ohio.
Turn 16.

Played Kiln, then Imp (I had an extra action), and got the 2 cards for Imp.  But, no chance to gain the extra Imp, via Kiln.  Can't see anything in the text of Kiln that would explain why this would be an exception.  Kiln worked as expected [in terms of gaining cards] for all my other plays that game.
General Discussion / Card order? (Should I care?)
05 March 2021, 08:39:54 AM
I never noticed this before, but when Dominion puts out my new hand, the cards are in random order...from, of course, the top 5 cards in my deck.  I don't know why I have been assuming--for years!!!--that the card that had been on top of my deck is at the far-left of the 5 cards.  Or, is at the far-right.  But no.  Yesterday was the first time (at least, when I was paying attention) where my last move in a turn was "Topdeck Caravan."  But, Caravan was 2nd from the left when I got my new hand.

Should I/we care about this?  I have to admit that I can't think of a situation where this is important.   :)
Interface Issues / Druids + Way of the Mouse
11 February 2021, 02:17:40 AM
[not sure if this is the right forum.  feel free to move, if it should be elsewhere]

Game: 66707821.

Game had Way of the Mouse, with Druid as the set-aside card.  There should be a way to see which 3 Druid choices are available "in advance."  But I could not do this.  (Desktop, Windows 10, Firefox).

Of course, the workaround was to do Way of the Mouse and then click on Druid to see the choices...and then use Undo if the choices were bad for that particular game/turn.  But I assume that there should be an easier way to see these Druid choices--especially when playing against people who do not want to give even reasonable Undo's.   :D
Other Bugs / New "global" bug???
11 January 2021, 05:11:02 AM
Tried to play 2 games just now.  With Lord Rat.
Game 1.  Had 3 coins on my first turn.  BUT, was not allowed to buy any of the usual cards, and was given the option only of buying: Copper, Curse, and Donate.  I resigned.

Game 2.  Same issue.  Started with 4 coins, but could only buy: Copper, Curse, and (I think) Blacksmith.

No point in playing this type of game, obviously.  I'll check back here tomorrow, to see if anyone knows the issue, or what the problem might be.

General Discussion / extra turns, in a tie game
04 May 2020, 04:50:35 AM
There are several ways to get extra turns in a game:  Seize the Day, Outpost, Mission, Fleet...not to mention the evil and banished Possession.  (And maybe others that I'm not thinking of right now.).  Fine so far.  And, on the the game log, when you get an extra turn, the log shows it as two consecutive (for example) Turn 6.  I just tested this out, with Outpost and Seize the Day (#4306 5673, Turns 2 and 6, for example).

Again, fine so far.  I can see coding reasons why you'd want to keep turn numbers even between opponents.  Probably Turn 6a and 6b would have been more clear, but two 'Turn 6' is clear enough.  And it would be a very confusing game log if your Turn 6 happened right after my Turn 9.

BUT, at the end of a game, I think the computer just looks at the recognized number of turns and, if you're both showing 21 turns, then it calls the game a tie.  But this is not correct, according to the rules, which state that, in the event of a tie, the one with fewer turns (if applicable) is the winner.  I see nothing in any rule that says, "We will count "regular" turns but none of the extra turns, in calculating if players have the same number of turns in tie games."

Did I miss something in the rules?  (Sadly, when I've bought crappy "extra turn" cards/events to test it out; I've been unable to end up in a tie game with equal "regular" turns.)  So, sorry in advance if the game actually *does* add in those extra turns at the end of the game.  For my IRL games, we've had to just write down each time a player used Outpost (et al), and kept a running track, in case of a tie.  There's also been some debate about IRL games, if that running total of extra turns info must be shared with other players, or, if it's just good manners to do so.
Oregon, 40843904.
Turn 15

Game had Inn in it, and it was a kingdom where it was pretty easy to set up a large engine.  On Turn 15, I had a large number of action cards in my discard pile, and I then bought Inn.  I got the usual popup screen with my discard pile.  And--Dominion online has helpfully instituted to save screen space--all the similar cards were grouped together.  If I had, say, 3 Lurkers, it this popup screen would show a single Lurker card, with a large "3" to indicate how many there were.  Or a Haunted Woods, with a "2" to show the same thing.  No problem so far. 

But, here, the game would only allow me to select a card type, and this automatically selected *all* of that Action card.  In other words, there was no way to select, for example, just one of the 3 Lurker cards.  It was all or nothing.  As I look at the language of Inn, I do not see anything that suggests that this would be the case.  And, certainly, in the online Dominion game, there are many times when--if you want to select 2 estates or 2 coppers to trash--you have to click on the Estate/copper card, and then click on it a second time, to select it for a second time.  So, I know the game has the coding to allow for this.

Is this phenomenon an expected part of the gameplay with Inn?  (So far, I am about zero for 10 when reporting suspected bugs on this forum, so I'm not sanguine about actually finding a bug here.  :-\ )  But since a broken clock is right twice a day, I'm posting this; this could be my magical day. . . .   ;D
In a game with both of Seize the Day and also Fleet:

If I earlier bought Fleet (therefore reserving that extra turn for me at the end of the game), and then--on my last turn (also the last turn of the game)--I use one of my buys on this turn to activate Seize The Day. . .  what happens?

Do I get both of the extra turns I have paid for?  Or only one extra, for some reason?


Somewhat related question.  Supposed my opponent also had bought Fleet earlier.  I know he also gets an extra turn.  But how is the order set?  Often (usually, I think), I'd want to use my extra turn first, with the hope of emptying out one or more additional piles.  But sometimes it would be to my advantage to let the other guy go first--in games especially with alternative VP, where I might really want to know how aggressively to play my extra hand(s), and I'd obviously want to know my opponent's final score...and not his final-except-for-the-extra-Fleet-scoring hand.  Does the person who emptied the 3rd pile/Province get to choose the order?  Or does that player automatically finish up his hand by taking any extra turn(s).  If so, I assume it would then go in clockwise order, assuming 3+ players had bought Fleet, yes?
Connection Problems / "blank" cards today
02 April 2020, 12:28:18 AM
Today, when I start a new game, most of the cards are just black rectangles.  But, oddly, not all of the kingdom cards.  Anyone else experiencing this?

(Newest version of Firefox, on a PC.  Have tried refreshing, etc...issue persists.)

1.  How do I look up my own rating?  I went to my own profile, but it was not under Profile Info>Summary or under Profile Info>Stats.  Where is it hidden?

2.  How does one search these message boards?  I sometimes have a question about a particular card.  But I see no way to search for that card by I just post my question here, which likely results in duplicative posts.  A lot of/most sites have a search bar, but I can't find where it is on this site.  (I assume scores of people have already posted questions about finding their rating--or of a friend--but since I can't figure out a way to search for that question . . . .)  :-)
AI bugs / bug with Citadel
27 March 2020, 09:17:23 AM
37908592 Tokyo.  Turn 11 (and others)
Relevant cards/Events: Citadel (paid for and 'activated'), Fool, Conclave, and Bridge.  Had bought Fool and used it earlier in the game.

On Turn 11.
1.  Followed instructions for Fool.  (Throughout the game, dealing with this at the start of each new turn  never seemed to be seeing by the game as playing an Action for Citadel, so no issue so far.)
2.  Played Conclave.  I expected one of two things to happen (now that I knew that Citadel would not be "wasted" on Fool's effect each turn):  (a) I would get 2 coins, be asked to play another "fresh" action from my hand--as always happens with Conclave--and then, be given another 2 coins and asked if I wanted to play another different action from my hand, or, (b) Have Conclave play two consecutive times (ie, 4 coins) and be asked only one time to play another action card.  But neither of these happened.  What did happen was: I got 2 coins from Conclave, and was asked to play an action card.  I did this when ...
3  . . .I then played Bridge.  But, the game played THIS card twice.  I got 2 coins instead of 1 from Bridge, and 2 extra Buys, and 2 1-coin cost reductions.  It ended up being a very powerful play.

So far, when I ask questions here, I am about zero for 10 in finding an actual bug. (Well, you can't say that I'm not actively trying to help!)  ;)

But I can't see how Citadel skips over Fool (not a huge surprise) AND the first actual new Action card I play in a hand.  Just not seeing how Conclave does not use up Citadel's effect.
AI bugs / how to correctly play Charm?
16 February 2020, 03:30:44 AM
Not sure if this is a bug, but . . .

Game: 3583220

Game had Charm, and 4 different 6-value cards (Gold, Farmland, Harem, and Nobles).
I had a hand with 6 coins and 2 Charms.  My thought was.  (a) Use the 6 coins to buy Gold, and then Charm, to get a Gold a Nobles.  Then, use the 2nd Charm to try to do the same exact gain a 3rd card.  My hope would be to get another Nobles--as it would still not be the "named" card.  But one of the other two still-not-yet-gained-this-turn cards would have been okay. 

Tried (via 'Undo') several times, but could not get "Gain equal-value card" more than once per turn.  Once I selected "gain card", the game's AI automatically stopped me from putting down any other Treasure...including, of course, that 2nd Charm.  Only way to play a second Charm was to select--with my first Charm--the "Buy + 2 coins" option.  The only thing that Charm says is "next time you buy a card...".  So, nothing there about "only once per turn" or any other limiting factor.  Hmmm. 

What would have happened if I had had 2 buys and 12 coins in play, instead of only 6?  Would the game's AI have recognized that I now had enough coins to play 6+ Charm, and then 6+ Charm?  My guess is no.

Is this a bug?  Or some subtlety that is whooshing over my head???
AI bugs / playing two Contrabands against Lord Rat
19 December 2019, 09:53:18 AM
Game: 33813003, Turn 13

I was playing 2 Contrabands that turn.  LR, of course, picked Gold with the first one (this online game has refused to fix this bug for years).  But, with Gold now selected, LR picked Gold AGAIN with my second Contraband.  I cannot even think of an edge case where it would make strategic sense to do this. I actually think LR played against Contraband so poorly that I think you could eliminate that card from games against LR.  Or, at least, for solo games against LR.
AI bugs / Changling (in games with Tournament) bug?
22 November 2019, 10:53:35 AM
Is this already a known issue?

Game: 32927121.  Turn 8

I bought a Changling.  And a few times in the game, on turns where I had played a Tournament, I could not 'cash in' the Changling.  I get why one can't use Changling to gain another's an odd card that leaves play early.  But on two different turns when I tried to use Changling after playing at least one Tournament card, I could not gain any other card I had played that turn (and was still in play).  The first time I tried this, I got  a message in the game log, referencing that Tournament had been played...and then had been moved automatically as part of the normal game play.  By using Undo, I just skipped using my Changling, so I could continue the game.  The second turn when I tried this (ie, Tournament, and then, later, Changling), I didn't even get an explanatory note in the log.  And finally, when Changling came up in a turn where I had no Tournaments, I could use Changling normally.


This currently does work, sort of.  But the steps are pretty confusing and I had to hit Undo a few times to figure out how to play it correctly.

I just played a game with Lord Rat, where Duplicate was already in play and I had 2 Hagglers in hand.  I wanted to buy a Gold, to then duplicate the Gold, and to then get my two 5-value cards via the Hagglers.

But here is the current workflow.  (a) Buy Gold, (b) be prompted to gain a lower-value card for Haggler.  When this card is identified and gained, I see a prompt to get a similar card via Duplicate.  (c) get a prompt to get another lower-value card (via 2nd Haggler). (d) after gaining this, a prompt for duplicating the 5-card in selected in (c).

When this happened, I got confused.  "Wait; what?  Why didn't I get a prompt to duplicate my gold?  Did I miss something in the log?"  So, I hit Undo a bunch of times and repeated the above.  Nope, did not miss anything.  So, I sort of gave up and just duplicated one of my gained 5-value cards.

Later in that same game, it was the same situation.  This time, I made a point of ignoring all the prompts to duplicate the Haggler-gained cards.  And now, at the end, I indeed did finally get a prompt to duplicate that Gold.

Looking at the text for Haggler, I am guessing that the reason for this is that, technically, I bought the Gold but did not immediately gain it, as Haggler's effect superseded the gaining of the Gold, while any gain via Haggler is indeed immediate.  Yes?

But this is really counter-intuitive.  I gather that there might be edge cases where this effect is important (Perhaps if Villa is in the kingdom??).  But I suspect that a lot of people will be very confused by the way it's currently set up. 

It does not matter in bot games.  But if this crops up in games with other people, I can see them getting annoyed as a bunch of requests for Undo's and very long turns are occurring.  Any chance of cleaning up the interface, to make this a bit more clear?
The text seems to suggest that Inheritance can be played only one time per game, regardless of the number of players.  Once I've played it, you no longer can.  (Adding "per player" language would certainly make it clear that each person can use Inheritance.)
But history has shown that my "logical" guesses about rules is pretty far off.  :)

{Sub-question: If Possession is in the game, and I use Inheritance while I am possessing you [I'd only do this if I could pick a crappy card, to prevent you from using Inheritance for a really good card later on in the game, of course...and this applies only if, in fact, each player gets to use it.], will this count as "my" Inheritance?  Or will it count as your use of Inheritance?}
General Discussion / trashing hidden cards with Lurker
23 September 2019, 06:12:26 AM
According to the text, Lurker can trash "an action" in the Supply.  It does not say "any action," but nor does it say "any visible action" or words to that effect.  In the online game, Lurker does not allow me to trash non-visible cards (e.g., split piles, hidden Knights, hidden Castles-that-are-actions, etc).  I take it that this is not a bug, yes?  [In my In-real-life games, we do not yet own this card, so I'm not sure what it's "supposed" to do per official Dominion rules.]

(My common-sense thought is:  If Lurker can really trash *any* action card--hidden or not--then it is ridiculously under-priced at 2 coins.)
Feature Requests / Change text on Scrying Pool
09 September 2019, 12:10:55 PM
Not sure where this should go (it's not a bug).
Played first game with Scrying Pool since the interface has been changed.
When playing SP, you still get the normal text: "Keep or Discard _____" [name of card]
But the 2 clickable buttons now say "Topdeck" and "Discard."  This is not wrong (if you keep the card, it will remain on the top of the deck, after all).  But is there any reason why the button could not go back to "Keep"?

Were any people reporting confusion with the "Keep" language in the past?
Game 30038378.  Turn 21

Game had Fool and also Castles.  I had already bought Fool before, so this gives me a chance each turn to discard a card at the start of a turn in exchange for a Boon.

On Turn 21, I had the Small Castle in hand.  I did the discard-for-Boon, and "Trash any card" happened to be the Boon.  "Great!" I thought.  "I'll trash my Small Castle and gain the Big Castle.  Woo-hoo."  But when I did trash the SC, the game did not give me the next castle (ie, the Grand Castle, in this case).  Looking at the text of SM, I can't figure out why this is.  It was my turn, I did the trashing . . . what am I missing?  Is there the same bug/phenomenon if I instead were to get the "Trash card" boon via Bard?

(After this technique did not work, I hit Replay and ended up buying the Grand Castle in a normal way--after declining to trash a card.  But, if you play Turn 21 as I originally did, you should get the same result . . . I tried it 3 different times, just to make sure I was not doing something wrong on my end.)