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Topics - santamonica811

AI bugs / Treasure Map + Remake
24 July 2019, 05:01:26 PM
28955966, Turn 11

I had 2 Treasure Maps in my hand, and Remake.  I first tried to use Remake to trash the two TMs, to get the 4-gold payout.  But it didn't work.  I can't figure out what language in TMap was violated by this move.  Is this a bug?  Or just some subtlety of T. Map that I missed?  (I then used Undo, and got the gold by the more common method of playing the T Map and then trashing the second one in my hand.)
AI bugs / when does Mining Village work?
28 June 2019, 08:33:44 AM
The 'twist' with Mining Village is that you have the option to trash it for +2.  Clear enough.  But the text on the card says, "You may trash this for +2."

I had a game against LR with Remake also in the deck.  So, I used Remake to trash one card and also then the MV.  But I was not given the +2.  If the text for MV said something like, "When you play this card, you may trash it for +2.", then that would be a different story.  But it seems like using Remake fulfills each condition for the +2 bonus.  (1) MV has been trashed, (2) the trashing was discretionary (in case you think "*may* trash" is important), and--even though it was not mentioned in the MV card's text--(3) it was trashed during the Action phase of your turn.  (As opposed to, say, an opponent trashing it while it's in your deck...via Swindler, for example.)

Any idea why the Remake-MV combo did not work?  Not a big deal...this is sort of an edge case.
AI bugs / Swindler not working consistently???
17 June 2019, 10:54:28 PM
Game 27781136, Turn 21
Game had Swindler and no defenders.  Swindler worked properly earlier in the game (ie, log shows opponent showing card from its deck, and I am given a choice of which replacement card I want to give Lord Rat).

But on turn 21, this did not happen.  I played Swindler, but was immediately taken to my Buy phase (see attached photo).  I should have been asked, "What 5-value (or 3-value, or 8 value, etc.) card do you want to select for Lord Rat?" and if I look at the game log, it should tell me which card Lord Rat had to trash due to the Swindler effect.

But on this turn (and in this game, ONLY on this particular turn), Swindler skipped the Attack portion.

Bug? Some other reason???
Other player played HW.  HW says that if I buy a card I put my remaining hand on my deck, in any order I want.  This always seems to work fine in all previous games.

But today I happened to have a hand that contained Hovel.  The language on Hovel allows me to trash Hovel on turns where I buy a Victory card.

I bought a Prov, and was allowed to trash the Hovel.  My question: Why was this allowed?  I would have thought that the rule for HW (immediately arrange remaining cards in any order you want and then place these on your deck) would take precedence over the ability to trash the Hovel.)

In past HW games, I can't think of any other time where I was given the choice to do anything with the cards in my hand once I bought a Victory card--other than arranging my desired order, of course.

The is the very definition of an edge will come up almost never and--frankly--has almost zero impact on any game.  I'm just wondering about the rule and why it is allowing Hovel to be trashed in this situation.
Connection Problems / april 25--can't log on
26 April 2019, 08:47:37 AM
I get timed out after x minutes after each attempt.  Tried rebooting computer as well.  (Desktop PC, most recent Firefox browser)

Anyone else with difficulties logging in?
AI bugs / Playing Kings Court + Band of Misfits
11 April 2019, 12:23:24 PM
Game  25488204, Turn 12.

I played KC and then B of M.  B/M of course asked for an action card (value 4 or less) to emulate. I first picked Envoy.  My thought was to get the 4 cards from Envoy, then the game would play B of M a second time, so I'd be prompted to pick another 4< card for B/M.  And then, after that, I'd pick a 3rd card for B/M (I knew, of course, that I could pick Envoy for the 2nd and/or 3rd parts of KC, if I so wanted).

But the game did not give me this opportunity.  It just picked-and-played Envoy, so after playing it once, I got the 12 cards via Envoy/KC's three parts.

But as I look at the language for KC and for B/M, this does not seem to be correct.  Is this a bug?  Or is there some rule that would explain why this happened?  (I did not set up a Kingdom with Throne Room + Band of Misfits, but I'm assuming that would yield the same issue, yes?)
General Discussion / Playing Exorcist on Familiar
02 April 2019, 12:21:06 PM
[Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.  I am not sure if it's a bug or if I'm just not understanding the game's rules correctly.]

I played Exorcist on a Familiar.  (which costs 3 coins + Potion).  This allows me to gain a spirit card with a lower cost. 

But when I played Exorcist on Familiar, I was allowed to gain an Imp.  I did not expect this...I was assuming that Potion cards are completely separate from all other cards.  So, for instance, I assume that if I Remodel a Familiar, I can't gain a regular 5 card like Mountebank or Festival.  I can't even remodel a 3 + Potion into a regular 3 card like Village.  Right?  I can't remodel that Familiar into a Dutchy, or a Possession into a Province.  I have a strong memory about various posts, along the line of, "Hey, a card that costs X + Potion is more 'expensive' than a non-Potion card that costs X, so why can't we remodel from Potion to non-Potion."  But maybe I am remembering incorrectly.

If my memory is not playing tricks with me; I cannot figure out why you cannot upgrade (via Expand, Remodel, etc) going from Potion to non-Potion...but you CAN downgrade (via Exorcist).  Is there a rule that specifically addresses this?

Related question: What about cards like Imp (it costs 2 plus has an "*" in its cost.  Can a 2* card be remodeled into a 3 or 4 card?  Remodeled into a regular 2 card?  Into a zero cost card???
Support / can no longer log in
18 March 2019, 10:42:16 PM
username on the Dominion site: santamonica811

Problem started yesterday.
When I try to log in, I just get an endless spinning wheel, along with a "connected to gameserver" message.

I tried shutting down my browser (Firefox, newest version).  No luck.
Tried rebooting my computer.  No luck.  But . . .
... Tried using a different browser (Chrome).  This DID work.

But I would obviously prefer to not have to open a separate different browser just to play one particular online game.  Can you fix this problem for me? (or tell me what I am supposed to do to fix your online bug)?  Has anyone else had this odd issue suddenly crop up?

Thanks in advance for anyone's help.

Not sure if this is a bug, but . . .

Game: 24495263.  Turn 12

By playing Ironmongers, I had set up an action as my top card.  So, I played Vassal.  That card was discarded, which is correct.  But, while the info in the game log did give "You may play [that discarded card] from your discard pile" as one of my options; I cannot find a way to actually pick this decision. 

Unlike many situations in Dominion, there is not a hot link via the game log, so clicking there accomplishes nothing.  Clicking on the action card on the top of my discard pile does nothing.  On the main board, the only option I can see is the usual button telling me that I can play another action card from my profile (and this does work).

Am I missing something obvious?  Or is this a true bug?

AI bugs / please fix how LR plays Fortune
07 January 2019, 12:43:42 PM
22122636, Turn 12

Lord Rat is not the brightest bulb in the store.  This I get.  And there are all sorts of complicated card combinations where it does not bug me too much if LR plays them poorly.  If there is a game with Counterfeit, then I know I will automatically win, since LR has been programmed to buy all of them, or almost all of them.  But this is a low level of annoyance, as I would think it is really difficult to figure out all the possible kingdom combinations and to be able to program: Buy 1 Counterfeit with this kingdom; buy 2 Counterfeits with this second kingdom. Etc etc. 

But this other sort of "bug" (here, when Fortune is in the deck) really bothers me, since it's so easy to fix.  And since it does bother me, I suspect that it almost certainly similarly bothers other players.

Please make the simple coding change: force LR to play Fortune LAST among its treasures.  It really makes games with this card not fun to play against Lord Rat, since LR is deliberately (well, the computer AI equivalent) sabotaging its own moves.  Turn 12 in the game went something like Buy: Play Silver, play Fortune, THEN play Copper and Silver.

This should be a simple thing to code.  Maybe there is some edge case where one would Not want to play Fortune last???  But so what: You, obviously should code for the play that is optimal 99.9984% of the time, right?

Would it be possible for someone (has a second or third person been added to the Shuffle workforce in 2019?) to take 30 seconds to (1) Say if this is something that can be easily addressed, (2) Say if this is a fix that will or will not be effected, (3) Say where on the priority list it is...assuming that it is something that Shuffle does want to improve, and (4) Give a rough estimate (within, say, a 3-month range) of when the fix will be done.

The reason why I am encouraging Shuffle to move on fixing this particular bug is that, for me, Fortune is a very interesting and complicated card to play with.  Given the very high cost of the card, it's very fun to try and calculate, "Should I buy it at this point of the game?  If I do buy a Prov. instead of this card, can I get to a win before my opponent can take advantage of its own Fortune purchase?"  If Shuffle programs Lord Rat to play like a really low-level (ie, an idiot) player when this card is in the kingdom, then I lose all the pleasure of playing with this card.
Usually happens to me about once or twice a month on this website.  It's taking about 5-10 seconds for each turn to register (occasionally 15-20 seconds, but that's the exception).  Rebooting computer did not help at all.  :-(
Game: 21798407

Game had Prince and Border Guard (and Patrician).  No other way to get plus actions, so I bought several Princes and planned to marry each with either Border Guard or Patrician, in order to start each turn with that extra action(s).  I did do this, and twice paired Prince with BG.  And quickly added the Horn and Lantern.  But, somehow, the choice I made at the end of each turn in regards to Horn-BG screwed this up.  Is Border Guard a rare exception (ie, not one of those Duration cards that we already know do not play nicely with Prince) of a regular Action card that can waste the Prince effect for the rest of the game?  I am assuming--but am not 100% sure--that things would have worked find, if not for the Horn's effect, yes?

What choice (if any) should a player pick re Horn, in order to keep Border Guard paired with Prince at the end of each preserve that valuable effect?  Or, is it not possible--in which case, of course, any player with this combo would never accept the opportunity to pick up the Horn.
AI bugs / Is Sauna working properly?
17 December 2018, 08:50:35 AM
21372355.  Playing Sauna + Silver.  This should give me a chance to trash, yes?
Turn 11.  I did not get the chance to trash.
Turn 15.  Again, no chance to trash.
Turn 20.  Here, I DID get the chance to trash (and did so).

I think this is a bug, but I'm not sure.
It would be a nice feature if I could have a truly random kingdom, except for...
-Good: Selecting an expansion and being able to force a card from that kingdom to be in the deck.  Ideally, I'd be able to select, say, from 1-3 or 1-4 cards from that kingdom, with all the others being randomly selected from the Dominion universe of cards.
-Even better: being able to do that for 2 or more expansions, maybe also Events.  So, for example, I could set up a game and select (a) "Alchemy: 3 random cards" and also "Nocturn: 2 random cards" and have the rest be totally random. Or (b) "Renaissance: 2 random cards" and Event: 1 random event, and Dark Ages: 3 random cards" [or whatever]

Would this be difficult to code?  Or is this already possible and I am just missing how to do this?
General Discussion / When is the Renaissance release?
26 October 2018, 08:34:16 AM
The earlier time-frame was during the first half of October, which has, obviously, passed.  Any updated estimate?  I enjoyed the pre-release free trial and am looking forward to adding this kingdom to the mix.
AI bugs / Is Vassal working properly?
25 October 2018, 08:15:56 AM
Game19635362.  Board had Vassal, Apothecary, and Legionary (etc, etc)

Turn 13.  I had Vassal in my hand.  By using Apoth, I was of course allowed to arrange the order of the upcoming set of cards.  I deliberately put Leg. on top, so I could next combo it with Vassal.  But when I then did play V, the game did not give me the option of playing the top card/action card--it instead automatically discarded that Leg card!  Hmmm....

Turn 16.  The same thing happened.  By using Apoth, I was able to arrange the upcoming cards, and this time put a second Apoth on top of my deck.  But when I then played Vassal, that top Apoth was again automatically discarded by the game's AI.

Did I somehow do something wrong?  Is this a known bug?  A 'new' one?  Or am I not understanding how to correctly use Vassal? . . . it's a card that almost never comes up in my games, for whatever reason, so this game might have been the first time I've ever tried to use it.
AI bugs / Travelers + Innovation
28 September 2018, 11:38:10 AM
Game 18768333, Turn 13

The kingdom had Page (etc) and Innovation.  I said to myself, "Cool, I just thought of a brilliant strategy to zoom through the travelers and get to Champion in world-record time."

Innovation says, "First time you gain an action in each turn, can immediately put it aside and play it."  By and large; this works fine.  But as you can see in my game, it did not work with travelers.

As long as I make sure not to buy or otherwise gain any other action card in a turn, once I turn in my "old" Traveler and gain the next one, Innovation should kick in, right?  This should allow me to 'churn' through the Traveler sequence in consecutive turns.  The only explanation for the failure to do this that I can think of is if, with Traveler, you exchange the cards AFTER your turn, which would take it out of the effect influence of Innovation.  But I doubt this...the exchange is clearly done (from the wording of Traveler cards) during the discard phase, which is--obviously--during your turn.  Right?  At least; that is what the Wiki entry says under "Discard.": To discard a card is to move it into your discard pile. This is done every turn during your Clean-up phase . . . [emphasis added]

Bug, or some subtlety that I'm missing????

(Added wrinkle: I actually DID think it was working as I had expected during one or two of the earlier Traveler exchanges, but I'm not 100% sure of this.  It definitely did not work on Turn 13, where I was going from Hero to Champion...I was paying closer attention to this issue at that point.)
General Discussion / Throne + Acting Troupe
25 September 2018, 11:12:01 PM
Can you Throne (or, Queen Court, or Crown) an Acting Troupe and get the extra Villagers?  Or, since the A.T. card says to trash, will the Throne(etc) search for the action card but no longer be able to find it, and therefore, be unable to effect the extra 4 or 8 Villagers?
Game 18284744, Turn 14

I had Royal Carriage "in storage"...ready to play.  And an Imp in my hand, along with a few other terminal actions.  What I wanted to do was play Imp.  If a village showed up, then no problem--I'd play that, and then use the extra actions to play all my terminals.  If a village did not show up with those 2 cards from Imp, then I'd use RC to play Imp again, would get another two cards (and, hopefully, a village would then show up).

But the game does not allow this.  You have to play Imp and your next actions.  You can, then, use RC to repeat this second action, of course. 

But nothing in the wording of RC or Imp suggest that one can't play Imp twice.  After you play Imp, it is not mandatory that you play another action card.  So, you should be able to then RC it, to see a total of 4 cards (and, of course, if you wanted, to then play a 'virgin' action card after seeing all four Imp cards.

What am I missing?  Why does the online game not allow this?  (In my IRL Dominion games, using RC to play and replay Imp is not a controversial move).
AI bugs / LR not properly responding to Gladiator
08 September 2018, 10:34:38 PM
I have noticed this in the 10 games or so where Gladiator shows up in a kingdom.  Since it happens each and every time; I am confident that this is a programming/coding error.

When I play a Gladiator, I also reveal another card from my hand.  My opponent can (it's not mandatory) show the same card.  If he/she/it does not show the same card, I get a +1 coin bonus for that hand.  Pretty straightforward.

But LR has been programmed to *Never* show a matching card, which means I always get that +1 bonus.  This should not happen, and it gives me an unfair advantage in games against LR.  I do not think it should be too difficult to change the coding from "Never reveal matching card" to instead "Always reveal matching card, if LR has it in hand."

It is easy to check this in any game.  Buy Gladiator in first/second turn, and play it in Turn 3/4, when it next shows up.   Select Copper or Estate.  You will *always* get that bonus, even when of course LR has them in hand. 

If this is indeed an easy fix, can this be addressed?