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Messages - santamonica811

Hmmm . . . interesting.  It definitely did not work for me.  I even tried (using Undo) a few different times, just to see what was going on.  But each time, after making and acting on my Charm decision, my Buy phase ended (which, obviously made it Lord Rat's turn).

Glad to know that it was an anomaly.  If it crops up again in a Charm kingdom, I'll make sure to test it out.
Game 102390343

I think this is actually a common event, and I recall games where it's happened with Charm + other cards.  (And maybe with 2 completely different non-Charm cards as well.)

I'm in my Buy stage, and putting my treasures out, and I come to Charm. (War Chest is still in my hand at this point.)  If I play Charm, and then pick the coins-plus-buy or the get-matching-cards options . . . I cannot add more of my treasure into the pile.  Any treasure still in my hand [e.g., War Chest, here] is "wasted."  But nothing in the text of Charm suggests that this will happen.

I mean, if I choose the "get equal value cards" option, then I understand, since I have sorta forced the online game to the card-buying phase of Buy.  But with the first option; all I have done is said to the game, "Add 2 coins to the treasure I've already put in, and add one more buy to my benefits."  In our IRL games, people routinely have been playing treasures after playing Charm.  Have we been actually breaking the rules all this time?

Is there something in the actually official rules that addresses/explains this?  Or is this result merely due to how the online game was programmed to function?
From my limited experience today; seems that LR always selects Estate (!?!?!???) as the card.  This is, obviously, dumb, as Estates are--absent edge cases--the LAST card that should be picked.  It would take only 5 minutes to--at the very least--change the programming so that LR always selected Duchy as the card.  That would make a million times more sense than selecting Estate.

It is *such* a stupid AI move than it already motivates me to either never buy War Chest in 'bot games, or to just's not the slightest bit fun to play a game where LR is sabotaging itself to such a large degree.

I would think that, to actually program this card to make the "correct" decision, would be incredibly difficult...would totally depend on which other 5-value cards are in the game, what stage of the game War Chest is being played, the synergy of the various 5 cards to the other kingdom cards, etc..  But, as I wrote before--at the very least, make the game pick a non-idiotic card like Duchy, and never have it pick Estate.
The problem with your suggestion is for the (many?) people who are older and/or have poor vision.  Having type at 100% is a non-starter for many people . . . they simply can't read type that is that small--even if it's perfectly crisp and sharp.

Hopefully, there will eventually be a workaround for this.
I had this same dreadful experience yesterday, but *with* Firefox.  By using Ctr-scroll wheel on my mouse, I was able to adjust the font size, and with some experimentation, allowed me to see the cards fairly clearly.  But this was out-of-the-blue and nothing I'd experienced before re Dominion.
I see today the announcement that GS and Embargo are being cast aside (other than when one specifically hand-picks them, that is).  Out of curiosity; why was that done?  Negative feedback from us players?  Too many bugs?  Some other reason???

Neither card is/was particularly interesting, so no big deal.  But I'm always interested in why later changes are (or are not) implemented.
Support / Re: Exiled Border Village
01 April 2022, 06:58:46 AM
This general issue has come up in a number of threads.  Dominion goes not consider "getting" from exile to be "gaining" it.  Linguistically, of course, this is a weak read.  But Dominion has been pretty consistent about this.  There are several ways that one should get something good (eg, coins, villages, VP) or something bad (curses) when a card is gained, per the language on the card.  As far as I can tell, getting via exile has never triggered those secondary effects.  You could make the cards' language more accurate, I suppose; but that would mean rewriting a lot of cards, so that they read, "...whenever a card is gained,except when gained from an Exile Pile..."
I don't think your last sentence is correct.  (Rather, I mean that it should not be correct.)  Sorcerer is supposed to force each opponent to reveal to you (and, I gather, to other players in a 3+ person game), her top card.  That's the first prong of the attack.  This gives you information.  Gaining a curse of they incorrectly guess is the second prong.  Depending on the kingdom, me knowing opponents' top card can be crucial information.  Ex: Being able to find out, via this attack, that the other player(s) have a Province on top of her/their deck, before having to decide whether or not to next play my Swindler (or, in older games, Saboteur).  Obviously, that information is completely different from whether or not there are any curses left.   

I admit that I'm not seeing a similar issue with Sorceress.  (I am aware that the OP related to Sorceress.  I'm just reacting to the information from you--news to me!--that it also applies to Sorcerer.

But I think this is far from an edge case.  A decision to play other cards (or, the order I'd play them) also could depend on what you are forced to show, when you reveal your top card.  Possession is another example, I think.
Thanks for including the game number.  I'm having trouble loading it.  But problem is on my end, I think...I'm having trouble right now on a bunch of websites.

I assume you would have told us if your Kingdom included Lich, of course.  (ie, the Wizard pile.)
Card Bugs / Re: Is Capital City working properly?
11 March 2022, 01:30:11 AM
Thanks again!!!

(If it hasn't been said recently; Ingix, you are such a valuable asset to the online Dominion community.  Una estrella para ti.)   :)
Card Bugs / Re: Is Capital City working properly?
10 March 2022, 09:45:39 PM
Ah, got it!  Thanks for the explanation.  While I think the card's wording could have been a bit more clear, I now know when a player will, and will not, get that second option.  So, no problem going forward.

One last question.  :)
Can one use Coffers to do this [ie, to obtain the 2 coins needed for those 2 extra cards], in the cases where you already have 2+ Coffers, but have not earned $2 this turn via kingdom cards you've played?  I believe that the rules for Black Market (for online games) have been changed recently, to now allow for players to supplement their in-hand treasure with Coffers.  Am I remembering this correctly?  If so, my sense is that that same logic would apply to this Capital City situation?  Or is CC different from BM in this aspect?
AI bugs / Re: Scepter + new Allies action cards?
10 March 2022, 08:45:38 AM
Oh, crap.  Brain fart.  Of course you are right.

(senior moment??)   >:( :( :P
Card Bugs / Re: Is Capital City working properly?
10 March 2022, 08:43:37 AM
I'm sorry, Ingix, I'm still not understanding.  As you saw from my attached screen grabs (with my OP), I had plenty of money and cards in my hand.  More than enough to discard 2 cards, and more than enough available money to gain 2 more cards.  What should I have done, step-by-step, to see both options?

With Hamlet, the website (after experimenting with a few different approaches) has decided on giving Choice A, and a clear option of accepting or denying this.  Then, regardless of what you choose with A, it then moves on to Choice B, and again gives a clear option of using it or not.  It might take a new player one or two turns to figure out that you gotta go through A to get to B, but after that, it's clear.

I am not seeing how to get past A, since there is sometimes--but not always!!!--no option to simply refuse option A (while wanting to take advantage of B).
AI bugs / Scepter + new Allies action cards?
10 March 2022, 06:45:12 AM
Game: 97099970, Turn 15

I had played the action card Contract earlier this turn.  Then, later, I played Scepter.  This should allow me to play any action card that was still in play, right?  Which, I think, should include Contract.  (This Contract card that has been played does appear to be highlighted.  But clicking on it did nothing.)

Do not yet know if Scepter will refuse to play all Allies cards, or if this is peculiar to Contracts only.