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Messages - santamonica811

Nope.  I had never played P. Ship before in that game, so I was always attacking.  Hence my surprise when nothing was showing in the log.

A real mystery . . . a shame I did not carefully write down the game number. 

(Nice suggestion for ShuffeiT:  For each person, have a list of the ID numbers for "last 10 games" so that it would be easy to recover after the fact.)
Darn, I must have written down the number incorrectly.  Was definitely talking about P. Ship.  :-(
Game 5593594.

Bought Pirate Ship.
Each time I play it, the game log shows it being played, but never shows any "reaction" from opponent.  The log should show what coin was revealed by opponent, or "opponent reveals Dutchy and Militia" (etc), or, 'opponent reveals and defends with Moat' or something along those lines.

But the game log showed nothing.  Never any response from Lord Rat at all.  My turn just continued.  Tried this on turns 6, 7, 8, and 9.  Then, I gave up and just Upgraded the PS to a 5 card.

In real games, PS is a card I almost never play.  So, I am unsure of how PS is working in actual games.  Hopefully, this is a bug limited to Lord Rat games, or to this particular game.
Oops.  Re Pearl Diver--of course you're right.  I added that last bit at the end without really thinking about it.  Duh...of course things usually get discarded to the, um, discard pile.  My bad.  :-)

(But, for now, getting the info that first-click=first on the deck was helpful and makes intuitive sense, and will make playing with Ghost Ship no problem going forward.)
[hope this is the correct forum.  it's not a bug, and not a general 'how to play' question]  :-)

With Ghost Ship, I have to select 2 cards from my hand and place them on the top of my deck.  But how do I arrange the order?  This is often a critical decision (eg, any time I still have a village in my remaining hand, where I have to have one of the two 'removed' cards on the very top)

In real life, this is obviously no problem.  But on the computer, I need a "select order" like there is for so many other cards (eg, Sentry).  Since there is no such screen, what is the 'hack' for selecting the order?  Is the first card I click on going on the very top?  The second card I click on?  Or is it randomized by the computer, so my click order is irrelevant????

(p.s.  This would also be an issue for all the other times cards are discarded normally, IF there happens to be Pearl Diver in the deck)
So let me be clear that I understand your (and Jeebus's) concerns. You don't need to worry about the problem you bring up in your post, though I agree it could have been clearer in the announcement (unfortunately, we only have so much time to prepare stuff like this and get feedback and every detail isn't always ironed out from every angle). People are not going to be banned from somebody getting mad or not wanting to play a person unless there is a reason that violates TOS. Generally, it's quite clear to a moderator from looking at blacklist data which ones are abusing the system and which aren't. I don't want to say much more about this lest we reveal everything. :) The system we have is not perfect, but I don't think anything is. The ultimate solution (just my opinion, not SI's) is to modify how timing and chat work in the client, but for now we have a quick fix.

Thanks for the quick response.  But I think I did not do a great job of explaining myself.  Of course I understand that using the lightning bolt will not result in an automatic banning . . . there will be a process, multiple complaints about a particular player will be weighted much more than a single complaint, etc.

But my main point (which I concede was buried in my prior post) was that there ought to be a clear, dedicated, "report" or "complain to moderator" button, and that this should be completely separate from the lightning bolt, which is likely being used (and will be used in the future) for reasons completely unrelated to one's opponent being abusive, slow-playing, etc.

I totally get that space is valuable on the screen, and there are tons of worthwhile posts about things that should be already on the screen but are not.  Maybe one button:  "How was your opponent?"  If you click on that, it brings up 3 options...(a) heart (love this player), (b) lightning bolt (block from future matches), or (c) bomb with lit fuse (report to moderator, which Also would block from future matches).

Or something like that?  Would take up even less space on the main screen than the current format, which now has both the lightning bolt and the heart taking up space.
I appreciate the post and that steps are being taken to address a serious issue.  (I guess I have been very lucky...never encountered a slow player, while others seem to run into them quite often, which would be very frustrating indeed.)

What I did NOT like was the thought that using the lightning bolt is being used as a signal to your guys to investigate the other person.  Up till now, I have been using the lightning bolt to merely prevent the game from matching me up with that player in the future.  That is Not the same as me saying, "Hey, investigate this player for doing something that might get her/him banned."

For instance; my own personal rule for Undo's is:  I'll give you 3 freebies per game, with no questions asked.  I'll probably even grant an Undo after you have received new information, if the game context makes it clear that your mistake was due to playing on the computer and hitting the wrong key."  (E.g., you had extra actions left, but did not play 2 Goons still in your hand, when there was no Event that would reward unplayed actions.)

But, if someone keeps asking for Undo after Undo, I will finish the game, congratulate the other player on her victory--or on her game play if I win--and then hit the lightning bolt, so that I do not have to deal with that situation again.

Or maybe I play 10% slower than you, because you are a more experienced player, or because you simply think faster than I do.  You may want to finish the game, but then "ban" me so that you will not be matched against me in future matches.  I would like for you to have the ability to not play against slower players (using the lightning bolt) without feeling bad that you are simultaneously reporting me to moderators.

In other words; would it really be so difficult to add a specific "Report to Moderator" button to the main screen?  I'd like such a button to give a small drop-down menu with a list of choices ("profanity used" 'slow play' "other"), and then some sort of "confirm" second button.  If someone did this, the game info would automatically be saved in a link, to make it easy for a moderator to go directly to the game in question.  Oh yeah, maybe also have a 100 character screen as well, so the reporting person can add a few sentences, to specify which turn(s) to look at or give additional details.

Okay, that was a lot more than I expect to write in this thread!  :-)
AI bugs / Re: There is no AI
23 July 2017, 01:37:59 AM
One word response:  ouch!!!   

(Of course, our benevolent creator is commenting on something we regular 'bot' players have known all along.  One hopes it will get better.)
Game: 5197937

1a.  I guess actions played via Hiring do not count towards the 3 (incl Consp) each turn, right?  Due to Hirling staying in play??  (although this seems to violate the Consp. card, which only says that you get the bonus, as long as at least 2 others are in play beforehand).  Whatever.
1b.  Regardless, after all my Hirlings were "played," I played two additional actions from my hand.  Apprentice and Hamlet.  But even with this, when I next played Consp, I did not get the coins or the extra action.  I had to ask for an Undo and play an additional Hamlet.  So, it worked as long as I played *3* actions before playing Consp.

2.  In the same game, in a longish turn, after playing my final action of Smuggler (and getting the smuggled card), the game tried to end my turn.  I had one coin on the board, and have 5 or 6 others in my deck.  But no "autoplay" button, and no way to click on any of my coins.  I had to again for another Undo, and that fixed the bug.  Weird.
AI bugs / Re: Cannot Mint a Spoils
29 June 2017, 07:40:42 PM
Much thanks for the speedy response.  :-)
AI bugs / Cannot Mint a Spoils
29 June 2017, 07:24:56 PM
I rarely see Bandit Camp in real-life games, so I do not know if this is a bug, or if there is some rule that makes it impossible to Mint a Spoils.  The game did allow me to Mint a silver, so it's a specific bug, and not a global inability to use Mint.

My presumption has been that Mint can be used to gain a copy of any treasure (assuming that there's one left in the supply, natch).  And this could include any "combo" card that had Treasure as a component...although I see Mint so rarely that I've never been able to test this.
Much thanks. . . that totally explains this.

(I've seen several other posts where people say that they want to see what is happening--even/especially when there is no choice that a player can make.  Right now, the game takes care of it automatically.  But especially for non-experienced players, we'd like to see *why* the game did what it did.

Thanks again.  :-)
Game 4033257.

Turn 6.  Played PD. Got card + action as normal, but saw no option to put bottom card onto top of deck.  Game log shows that I received a copper and that I looked at Potion (ie, the bottom card on my deck).  But NO window giving me the choice as to topdeck or not.

Later, on Turn 9 (and other turns after that), the game DID work properly, and there was a pop-up window, asking me if I wanted to topdeck or not.

No idea why it would not work on the first [applicable] turn of the game, but would work properly after that.
Support / Re: End of game process !
26 May 2017, 07:06:23 AM
At the least, till the bug is fixed; maybe ask the *other* player to resign.  If I had lost a game, but got an in-game message, saying that the game would not officially end, I'd be happy to resign.  I already know I lost the game, right?  :-)

My guess is that most other players will respond the same way.  There are a few bad apples.  But most of us are reasonably good sports. . . at least, based on my own experiences in the game.
Thanks for the tutorial!!!

I've been wondering how to do that in an easy and quick way.  Mucho appreciado.  :-)