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Messages - gorling

Thanks for the clarification!
Bug Reports / TWO extra turns with Ghost on Voyage
24 March 2022, 12:02:30 PM
Game #98004491, rated.
Menial Serf vs AndersGorling

On turn 13 Serf sets aside Voyage with Ghost.
On turn 14 they resolve the Voyage and end up taking 2 extra turns, even tho the card specifies that it should only give you an extra turn if the previous turn wasn't yours.

Maybe Island Folks is involved in making this bug appear. It was also part of the game. But that also says you only get an extra turn if the previous turn wasn't yours.
Sorry forgot to write down server/game-id.

I had 3 coppers in hand, opponent had Highwayman in play, so I was affected by the attack.
When i click quick-buy on a $2 Peasant game plays two coppers and fails to buy the card, leaving me with $1 in play but also unable to play additional coppers for some reason.

A simple undo solved the situation this time, but i can imagine this bringing about similar issues in many types of games.
General Discussion / Feedback on recent rules changes
22 February 2022, 11:20:13 AM
I have two points of feedback for the new UI/rules changes presented.

1. The new changes to Patron makes it no longer work with cards played in the buy-phase, e.g. Ironmonger under Capitalism. This is probably as intended, but I just wanted to point it out since it is a niche case that may have been overlooked.

2. For me the default animation speed was set to "slow" rather than "standard". I would consider developers to contemplate the impact this may have for players' experience of the new UI. Worst case this could make players who are not used to meddle with settings have a negative reaction to the new UI update.

If anyone else have other feedback regarding specific aspects of the rules update feel free to use this post.
Bug Reports / Possession reset log and disabled undo
31 October 2020, 12:17:19 AM
Username AndersGorling.

Game #58558804. Had to ask my opponent about server game number and server but they only said game number.

Sometime around turn 10+ i resolve the first Possession of the game. This had the uninteded consequence of resetting the play/chat-log. I expected it to just add new lines to the log but instead everything before that point was wiped. New entries were added for the plays that were subsequently made but the log was reset every time I played Possession. Don't know if this also happened to my opponent - they didn't mention it.

Also i could not use the Undo function when playing my opponents turn. I tried clicking the thing but nothing happened.

Using Firefox 82.0.2 (64-bit)
Big thanks for the clarification
Game #25687230, rated.
Pille123: 50.88
AndersGorling: 56.82

In this game I bought Inheritance and set aside Scheme. Later bought Sacrifice. When playing Sacrifice on the Estate (with Scheme inherited) Sacrifice should give +2 VP b/c victory card, as well as +2 cards/action b/c of inherited card types from Scheme.

However, only VP was given. I suspect this might be true for other cases as well. I specifically recommend testing stuff like Capitalism when further exploring this bug

EDIT: Game was played in Windows 7 with Google Chrome 73.0.3683.103 (64 bit version)

Sincerely / Anders
Great work collecting most of them in one place! Maybe you can keep updating it to make it as complete as possible.

Also it's missing Arena
Feature Requests / Feature reqest: Disable chat
02 December 2018, 11:07:13 AM
Sometimes you meet those players that just incessantly spams the chat with pejoratives and other vitriol. I don't need to see that but afaik there is no way to disable the chat.

If you have chat disabled it should be clearly visible to both yourself and your opponent.
I second this request as an autoplay opt-in
Feature Requests / Arena auto-play options
18 November 2018, 12:00:43 PM
It would be a nice feature to add an auto-play options for Arena.

Simply two options would suffice
a) always ask (default)
b) never ask

This would speed up play in games where the VP-tokens on Arena are gone and there are no longer any benefits to discarding.
AI bugs / Re: Hamlet not giving "Both" option
26 October 2018, 02:06:42 PM
Thanks. Still liked the old system better but at least now I can play the card as intended.
AI bugs / Re: Is Vassal working properly?
26 October 2018, 12:00:44 AM
You have to click the text in the log to be able to play the card you discarded
AI bugs / Hamlet not giving "Both" option
25 October 2018, 11:59:48 PM

When playing any game with Hamlet i only get 2 boxes:
a) Discard for Action
b) Discard for Buy
c) Don't discard

There used to be c) Both, and then you just played a card if you didn't want to discard.
Kinda reduces the value of Hamlet for me.

I'm running Firefox 62.0.3 (64-bit) and Windows 7 64-bit.