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Topics - JKRich

Card Bugs / Village Green/Cavalry bug
25 March 2020, 04:35:03 AM
game #37698260 on oregonTurn 11 (v. 2 bots) -- I ended my action phase using my final action to play Village Green, then selecting to defer it until the next turn. In my buy phase I bought Cavalry, assuming it would return me to my action phase. It did not. I then went ahead and tried playing VG undeferred, after which buying Cavalry returned me to my action phase as expected. I just ended up resigning after playing VG so you can choose both options to hopefully easily reproduce the bug. 
Card Bugs / Horn - Princed Border Guard interaction
27 March 2019, 10:04:16 PM
game #25000572   I Prince-d a Border Guard and have Horn. I fully understand that if I choose to use Horn to topdeck that BG Prince will lose track of it and fail to set it aside. However, if I also play another BG I should be able to choose to topdeck this BG given Horn's wording "Once per turn, when you discard a BG from play...", right? The client only gives the option to topdeck the first BG played, which appears to me to be a bug. Is this correct?
Bug Reports / Changeling gain bug?
23 January 2018, 09:13:07 PM
game #10922391 on oregon - turn 1 I chose to buy messenger then distribute caravan guards before exchanging both my gained cards for changelings - worked fine. Turn 9 I tried same thing but I couldn't exchange the CG for a changeling. Only difference in turn was T1 1st played 4 coppers, T9 foraged an estate then played silver and copper to get to $4, with Changeling as my 5th card. Tried backing up then turning off autoplay (from Smart Ask) on Changeling but nothing happened when I clicked the Off button. There was no cost reduction in the game. Hope I'm not missing something - I don't think so.
Card Bugs / Un-holy Monastery
16 December 2017, 09:28:39 PM
The Monastery's been infested! Game #9699158 Turn 14 I used Monastery to trash 2 Estates and a Potion - the log showed me trashing 2 Estates and 2 Potions (I only owned 1). Turn 16 2 Estates showed up in my hand when I now only owned 3-2=1; I trashed them with Monastery and the log showed me trashing 4 Estates - I'm not sure if the log will show this part if you look at the game since I tried undoing and verifying before I resigned, but it happened. It's hard to keep a vow of silence when I got these bugs all up in my frock, ya know.
#5 was said to have fixed the bug where occasionally part of the game log disappears and the Undo button stops working. Unfortunately it's happened to me twice since then, the last time in Game #9680445. HTH
Other Bugs / Autoplay bug: Tournament
18 November 2017, 03:44:13 AM
game #8804613 on tokyo - Turn 14 I played Tournament and was asked to reveal a Province which surprised me - I right-clicked on T and saw the "Always reveal Province" button was selected as I expected. I tried clicking "Off" and nothing happened, and repeated trying later with no success. Then Turn 17 Lord Rat played a T and the game hung. I had put both Seaway and Ferry on T if that matters.
Interface Issues / The Scales of Justice
29 October 2017, 10:29:21 PM
Love how some scaling issues have been improved, such as larger card selection windows. One problem I haven't seen mentioned however is sometimes the card ordering windows are incredibly tiny. This seems to happen when there are only 10 kingdom piles. For example in game #8217785 on frankfurt Turn 11 the window to order 2 actions via Wandering Minstrel is only a small fraction of the size of a single event card-ish. I'm guessing you know about this, but I hadn't seen it mentioned so I thought I'd chime in.

General Discussion / Release bug?
18 September 2017, 05:54:18 PM
Today when I right-click on a card I get the "Save page as/View background image/..." box (in addition to the card image), where this was not happening before. Actually I get this box right-clicking anywhere on the page. I'm using Firefox. HTH
I've never had any connection problems in the past. Now, after the new release I can't connect at all (W10, Firefox 54.0.1) and only get the "Server connection was closed or could not be established." message. I even restarted my computer. No luck. Please help.

EDIT: I can now connect again. I'll still be a little concerned until I see the problem doesn't recur, but for now it's all good.
Card Bugs / Library/Gear Bug
28 June 2017, 06:50:44 PM
It's hard for me to imagine that every bug hasn't been found and reported on by now, but I'm pretty sure I've found a new one. Game#4752009/Oregon turn#20 (and 22) - I set aside cards with(under!) Gear, later played Library and set aside more cards, but at the end of the turn the program didn't seem to distinguish between the two and discarded all the set aside cards and at the start of the next turn displayed Gear, but as if no cards were set aside with it.

P.S. For any newbie reading this, I checked the Card Bugs forum before posting this to see if it had been posted on before -- a good idea to keep from posting a "new bug" that's already been mentioned many times before. ;)
Other Bugs / Disappearing tables
16 June 2017, 06:24:33 PM
I like to set up customized bot games so I can play the way I like (I prefer 3p Colony games), so whenever I log in I go to "Create Table" and set up my game. I wish there was a "Save Table" option so I wouldn't have to keep recreating the table every day I play, but instead things have gone the opposite direction. Today, after I finish a game, if I go away for a few minutes and come back to the end screen and click "Ready" to start another game I get a dialog box "This command requires a table". I get the same thing if I click "Edit Table", which takes me to "My Table" and still shows the details of my set-up table, then click "Ready". Is the table being timed out/abandoned after only a few minutes? For me that would be absolutely terrible and maybe even send me away. Please at least restore things to how they were yesterday. Thanks.
Connection Problems / Hanging with Lord Rat
14 April 2017, 01:41:00 AM
Over the past week or two I've had several games that hung at the beginning of the game, usually on "Hanging with Lord Rattington" but not always. This most recently occurred with game# 2788251 on tokyo. The browser console data:

TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).  (unknown)

Using win10 desktop/Firefox 52.0.2. When I close the tab and reconnect the game loads and works fine.