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Messages - JKRich

Support / Re: Expensions don't work
13 May 2018, 04:59:02 PM
I'm not an official spokesman or anything, but since I saw you just posted I'm answering so you can learn this quickly: those "lifetime subscriptions" you bought with a previous company were for the "lifetime" of a previous company's version of online Dominion, not for your lifetime. If you look around, there are many threads in this forum discussing this. Sorry, but you actually don't "own" any expansions here - nobody does, we're all just renting. Sorry for the bad news - again, you are not alone here and can find many others in the same boat. HTH
Support / Re: How to Save Table?
19 April 2018, 06:09:02 PM
A workaround I use is this: before you leave the site, always start a new game with a bot/bots. When you come back, your table and game will still be there. If you wish to play humans, just resign the bot game -- it will not affect your rating in any way. HTH
General Discussion / Re: Autoplay?
07 April 2018, 07:10:28 PM
Quote from: markus on 07 April 2018, 11:12:48 AM
The default option for Hero is off. The default option when you selected "All convenient" is on, but you can change that as you wish for each card.
I wasn't aware of that (or maybe had forgotten it), so thanks, Markus. Problem solved.
General Discussion / Re: Autoplay?
07 April 2018, 01:13:22 AM
My problem occurs when I want a Hero and a Champion (and possibly Warriors, too) but forget to set Hero to Default Keep after getting one and end up getting 2 Champions. I do change Warrior to Default Keep when I know I'm done exchanging them. In the absence of what I suggested I personally wish the default Autoplay option for Hero was Off. Of course I like and usually play Colony games (because of how I learned the game IRL), so Hero has more value to me than someone usually playing Province games which is I'm sure why the options default as they do.
General Discussion / Re: Autoplay?
06 April 2018, 05:38:15 PM
Still hoping for "next level" Autoplay where the first Hero can be automatically exchanged for a Champion, but subsequent Heroes can be automatically be kept as is. There are a few scenarios where one might want to exchange a 2nd Hero for a Champion (Diadem, Wolf Den, not wanting to gain any more treasures) but the vast majority of the time Hero will be a "Default Exchange Once, then Keep" type of card, as will Disciple.
Interface Issues / Re: Kingdom display feature
06 April 2018, 05:25:32 PM
I appreciate this new feature also. One tweak I wish would be made is to move where "Kingdom/Play Area" appears above the log. While this feature might be used more now while it's new, in general use "Trash/Log" will be used far, far more often and I personally wish it would be returned to the left end of the clickable options above the log.
Add Treasure Hunter to my list (W10/Firefox).
Also applies to Off buttons for Changeling and Tournament -- see -- maybe there are others?
Bug Reports / Re: Changeling gain bug?
24 January 2018, 04:56:17 PM
Quote from: JKRich on 23 January 2018, 09:13:07 PM
I clicked the Off button.
Quote from: Ingix on 24 January 2018, 03:14:49 PM
... you have to click on the radio button beside them to make the change. Your description strongly suggests to me that you cklicked on the text "Off".
Huh? I do know how radio buttons work and did state that I clicked the button.
Quote from: Mic Qsenoch on 24 January 2018, 02:52:25 PM
The autoplay option buttons are a bit bugged, I find I have to click a bit to the right to get them to change.
This probably explains it, thanks. I clicked on the button, not to the right. Will try in the future (although I haven't had any problem with some other cards like Hero). Remember the Tournament 3p crash bug I found where I couldn't change the default option? Maybe the same thing - a UI issue.

As for the Changeling Smart Ask logic, thanks for the explanation. I was obviously taking advantage of the dumb bots that I knew wouldn't make the exchange so I would get a Changeling (still experimenting with this card) and they wouldn't. If I had been able to change the Autoplay option I wouldn't have thought there was a bug.

EDIT: Next game with Changeling I didn't try to buy it, just played with the Autoplay Options and Mic Qsenoch was right on - definitely a UI issue. While the other radio buttons worked normally (clicking anywhere within the button selected that option easily), it took a bunch of tries to get OFF to work with an apparently inconsistent and/or tiny "strike zone".
Bug Reports / Changeling gain bug?
23 January 2018, 09:13:07 PM
game #10922391 on oregon - turn 1 I chose to buy messenger then distribute caravan guards before exchanging both my gained cards for changelings - worked fine. Turn 9 I tried same thing but I couldn't exchange the CG for a changeling. Only difference in turn was T1 1st played 4 coppers, T9 foraged an estate then played silver and copper to get to $4, with Changeling as my 5th card. Tried backing up then turning off autoplay (from Smart Ask) on Changeling but nothing happened when I clicked the Off button. There was no cost reduction in the game. Hope I'm not missing something - I don't think so.
Quote from: Ingix on 21 January 2018, 07:59:25 PM
What humcalc216 experienced looks like a problem with the meta-server, which deals with starting/ending the game. If that doesn't respond, the game "isn't told" that it's over now.
Sorry if I was unclear, but I experienced the exact same problem as humcalc216 (e.g. my game didn't end) - I at first thought it must be due to the unusual circumstances of my game which I figured constituted enough of an edge case to not be worth reporting. I was just trying to help him/her reconnect, which appears to have been successful :) ;) ;D . I know the bots still do (very) stupid things :'( . But if it can help I did record the game # (10849083) and the first problem in game functioning I noticed was the Undo button not working - followed by the game not ending after I 3-piled.
I had same problem a little while ago - thought it was a bug because I was playing 2 bots and their hands all but disappeared due to Remake self-trashing and Knight pinning by me. I think how I got back in was to go to private browsing window (Firefox), enter login info manually, then press Kick&Resign (before pressing Login). I saw a message in the lower left corner of the screen "Kick succeeded" then pressed Login and I was back in. HTH
Feature Requests / Re: Show VP Counter - Default State
31 December 2017, 07:49:11 PM
I see how this could be made a global option instead of a local one. Until/unless they do here's a workaround I use so I don't have to keep recreating my table how I like it: always click "Ready" to start a new game (vs. bot(s)) before closing your browser/tab - you don't have to go past the examine your starting cards stage if you don't want to. When you come back your table will function as it did before. If you want to play humans just resign - there's no penalty for resigning bot games (I do it all the time now once I've achieved an obvious win). HTH :) ;)
Card Bugs / Re: Messenger with messenger
31 December 2017, 07:38:33 PM
One thing any moderator will tell you is that you should always include the game# in any bug post so they can see if it's an actual bug or a misplay - this will be the lowest game# listed in the chat window, also listed at the top of the game log. OTOH, are you sure there weren't 3 messengers left at the beginning of your turn, then you bought 1 leaving 2, giving 1 each to yourself and your opponent?
I can't play either but I don't think it's tied to the update as I played quite a while after the update. I finished a game, hit the "ok" button, went to the end screen, hit ready to start again, and got a "black screen of death". Attempts to start over were unsuccessful.