Quote from: AdamH on 24 April 2017, 01:22:54 AM
Unless I'm misunderstanding, I thought that the people who wanted the game to be playable without the log were saying they don't want to have to go click on things in the game log in order to perform legal actions in the game -- that there should be buttons for that or whatever.
Very interesting point - I'd never considered that "playable without the log" could actually mean not just 2 but 3 different things:
1. Playing a game where the log is not visible by default, but there is a "Show Log" button so that one can view the log if/when they need/want to.
2. Playing a game where the log is constantly visible as it is now but where there is never a need to go click on things in the game log in order to perform legal actions in the game.
3. Playing a game where you couldn't access the current game's log during the game even if you wanted to.
To me "playable without the log" means option #1. This option was a choice on the most recent previous implementation(MF) which is why I didn't expect AdamH to assume it was #2, or for it to appear that possibly jsh thought I meant it was #3 (a possible source of confusion related to the IRL stuff).
Quote from: AdamH on 24 April 2017, 01:22:54 AMIf someone is suggesting something different then I feel like they need to be pretty specific about what they want, since there would be ambiguity with whatever they want and this.Again, since option #1 was recently the available optional choice, personally my bias would be to assume people meant that when saying "playable without the log" although I will concede the point if you feel differently. However, some have specifically said "playable without having to click on the log" or something to that effect, which clearly refers to option #2.
Finally, apologies jsh if I said anything to offend. I just want back an option we recently had (on MF) that I liked and didn't seem to pose any problems and couldn't understand why it appeared someone thought we shouldn't have that. Sorry.