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Messages - Watno

You can look at the cards, they instantly disappear again though.
For now, you can look at the cards you "looked at" in the log, at some point in the future the cards will probably be actually visible in the reveal area.
Until the interface has been improved here, you can right click a card to check what it is before selecting.
I investigated this and the issue seems to be a confusion of left and right (on our side).
Also, in case you weren't already aware: If you add each other to your friend lists, you can join the others table via the matching tab instead of looking through the list.
For now, you'll have to either ask other players to leave or Kick them out, a way to make a completely private table will be added in the future.
If you use the quick match button or host/join a table (without unchecking respect familiar cards in the table options) your opponent's familiar cards will also be taken into consideration. You can avoid this by using the good match button instead (or checking the option mentioned above at your table)
Just to be sure: did you confirm your email address?
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Card Bugs / Re: Bug with Ambassador
18 January 2017, 08:47:04 PM
It's unclear to me what the error you are talking about is
How to Play / Re: How do pay off Debt??
17 January 2017, 10:53:42 PM
1) Put the slider to how much debt you want to pay off(bearbeitet)
2) optionally play money
Note that you can only play money if you haven't bought a card yet, so if you wanna buy a debt card and pay part of that debt back, you need to play the money before buying
3)Press the x debt button to pay off x debt
money cards from your hand will automatically be played if necessary and possible

Also, if you try to buy a card while havingdebt and have enough money to do, money will automatically be spent to pay off the debt first.
Other Bugs / Re: Potential Shelter selection bug
16 January 2017, 10:13:01 PM
Yea, i can reproduce that.
Other Bugs / Re: Band of Misfits
15 January 2017, 12:51:32 PM
You were playing Band of Misfits as Encampment. Encampment is returned to the supply at the end of the turn it's played unless you reveal a gold or Plunder. This carries over to the Band of Misfits as well.
Support / Re: Torturer
14 January 2017, 08:51:31 PM
The bots are just dumb.
Support / Re: Ambassador
14 January 2017, 08:50:50 PM
There's an undo button above the log.
Game Log Issues / Re: Shuffling
14 January 2017, 06:13:45 PM
This is correct due to a second edition rule change. When you draw more cards than are left in your draw pile, you are now supposed to shuffle your discard pile, put it below the draw pile, and only then draw your cards.