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Messages - jkommelb

Connection Problems / Server doesn't allow new games
11 January 2025, 02:02:47 AM
Why is this still happening?  How incompetent are the people who run the site?
AI bugs / Re: Lord R freezes - debt?
19 December 2024, 01:09:59 AM
Is this issue ever going to get fixed?  Debt has been a part of the game for quite a while now, and with an increased number of cards involving debt, a similarly increased proportion of games will be continue to be unplayable if this isn't resolved.
Support / Connection issues
25 November 2024, 02:13:58 PM
I got booted from a game and now can't reconnect.  Seems like the servers are shot again
How to Play / Re: Question re: Turn Totals and Fleet
31 October 2024, 01:17:18 PM
Got it, thank you!
How to Play / Question re: Turn Totals and Fleet
30 October 2024, 05:39:23 PM
This issue came up during game 153176094, and I wanted to get some input/clarity on how Fleet affects turn totals for the purpose of game ties vs wins/losses.  Essentially, it seems as if the Fleet turn was not counted for the purposes of determining number of turns to decide the result when there is a tie score (in this case, only one player took a Fleet turn).  I always read "extra round of turns" as meaning it would count that, as opposed to something like Outpost where you're taking another turn WITHIN the same round of turns.  The Dominion Strategy Wiki doesn't seem to clarify this for my mind, so I wanted to know if I'm misinterpreting, if the game is miscoded for that situation, or if it's kind of a living question at the moment.  Thanks!
AI bugs / Can't play Druid in Lord Rat game
13 October 2024, 01:31:28 AM
When I continued a game following a resignation against Lord Rat, I played a Druid and then couldn't select the boon.  The info bar says "Which boon?" but nothing comes up.  Tried undoing and same effect

Game 152317870
Other Bugs / Re: Asking to force resignation early
29 September 2024, 08:20:32 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 28 September 2024, 07:35:54 AMThere is an issue of players rarely getting into two games at once, but only knowing about one (unless they have to reload). It is assumed that those messages are related to the other game somehow.

Except that it's asking if you want to force the resignation of the visible game, so that wouldn't make sense as an explanation.
Other Bugs / Asking to force resignation early
27 September 2024, 04:56:44 PM
I've had this happen a couple times today, including right now with game 151569305.

Despite my opponent playing in a timely manner, I have gotten the "make [username] resign" prompt.  The prompt will go away after a little while, but in the meantime I could (were I so inclined) make an opponent resign who hasn't done anything wrong.  Presumably others have had this happened as well.
AI bugs / Re: Lord R freezes - debt?
08 September 2024, 03:40:34 PM
Happened in game 150598704 to me as well; Lord Rat played a Paddock while having 1 debt, then just stopped
General Discussion / Re: GET YOUR SERVERS FIXED
23 August 2024, 04:09:07 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 21 August 2024, 08:20:03 AMThe server is better than the previous ones, so it is apparently not the case that simply too many players are a problem (as I initially assumed). The developer knows that the current state is frustrating to players, but if he knew how to fix this, he'd done it already.

It sounds like it's time to hire some outside help for a developer who can't keep up.  This is consistently an issue, and the developer needs to recognize that he is providing a service for a fee; that requires keeping up with demand and shifts in the software platform.  We all obviously love Dominion or we wouldn't be paying for this, but it's becoming harder and harder to justify it when there are daily issues preventing us from using the service as intended.
AI bugs / Game doesn't "end" vs Lord Rat
14 August 2024, 04:10:24 PM
In my last few games against Lord Rat, when I complete a game ending turn, it doesn't "end" the game; instead it says "you may resolve an effect" and just sits there.  Most recent game 149276599
Connection Problems / Can't log in
12 August 2024, 07:41:07 PM
Just says "loading game" below the PW box, nothing happens.  1:40pm GMT-4
The link to the Google form is not working at the moment
AI bugs / Re: Bot freeze on playing Weaver
26 July 2024, 12:56:02 AM
Still happening.

Game 148230348
Card Bugs / Elder + Pawn
27 November 2023, 09:17:00 PM
Game 134626544 Turn 19
If you play Elder + Pawn, and click the top option (to do +Card/+Action) it doesn't give you the opportunity to select a third option as well.  If you select each of them individually it does.  This should be fixed