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Messages - jkommelb

Connection Problems / "waiting on undefined"
07 November 2023, 03:56:08 PM
I was in the middle of a game (no game # available since it wouldn't reconnect) and had to refresh, at which point I got the message in the screenshot.  I attempted to reconnect multiple times over several minutes to no avail.  Really getting sick of all these connection problems...
Connection Problems / Bad lag on Frankfurt
23 October 2023, 02:45:25 PM
Game 132519842, both of us are experiencing really awful lag.  We've both disconnected and reconnected with no improvement. 
Card Bugs / Re: Walled Village Auto-select issue
23 August 2023, 09:46:49 PM
Is this ever getting fixed?
Card Bugs / Harbor Village Possible Bug
23 August 2023, 03:21:27 PM
Unsure if this is a bug or just a quirk of the order, but neither I nor my opponent were confident either way:

Played Harbor Village, followed by Overlord to play Wine Merchant.  Our thought was we should get the +1 coin from Harbor Village because the Overlord RESULTED in getting +coins, but maybe it's because the Overlord isn't the one actually giving them?

Game 128946350
Connection Problems / Cannot log in
07 August 2023, 06:54:03 PM
Attempting to log in (username jkommelb) and just getting "loading game" indefinitely.  Tried two different browsers, no luck.
Feature Requests / Circle of Witches
09 June 2023, 07:25:45 PM
Circle of Witches continues to ask if you'd like to use your favors to make the other person gain a curse after all curses are gone.  A feature like with Torturer where you can turn off having that asked would be great.
Bumping this back up out of frustration of multiple no-show players/forced resignations today and yesterday, not to mention a couple where they waited like 3.5 mins to start.  So annoying!!!!
Card Bugs / Re: Idol not triggering Diplomat
17 April 2023, 08:53:19 PM
NVM, I'm a dumbass.  Had used Borrow and only had 4 cards in hand. 
Card Bugs / Idol not triggering Diplomat
17 April 2023, 08:48:08 PM
Game 121265792

Opponent played Idol while I had a Diplomat in my hand, but it did not give me the option to react (opponent turn 9).  Interestingly, it DID trigger in turn 19
This happens pretty frequently for me; usually a refresh of the browser takes care of the issue, at least temporarily.
AI bugs / Bug...ish?
15 March 2023, 06:46:35 PM
Not sure this qualifies as a bug, but was finishing a game against Lord Rat after my opponent resigned, and multiple times when Lord Rat played Archer, it made me discard a Territory, instead of choosing any of the other cards I had in my hand, including gold both times.  I know building out a competent AI is REALLLLLLLLLLLY hard, but Lord Rat is just absolutely terrible.  Please, please, please make it better.
Card Bugs / Re: Walled Village Auto-select issue
28 February 2023, 02:52:49 PM
Why?  We are paying for a service, and they're not fixing bugs?  That seems rather absurd.
Card Bugs / Re: Walled Village Auto-select issue
27 February 2023, 03:30:23 PM
More than a month later, this is still not working.  What's the deal?
Card Bugs / Auto end actions not working on Crown
16 February 2023, 02:51:17 PM
Game 117334829.  There are no "Ways" to impact this.
Card Bugs / Re: Walled Village Auto-select issue
03 February 2023, 04:27:06 PM
FYI, still a problem.  Game 116467920