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Messages - jkommelb

Card Bugs / Walled Village Auto-select issue
18 January 2023, 04:54:48 PM
Walled Village isn't automatically topdecking despite having the autoselect put to Always Topdeck; instead it prompts me to make the decision.

Games 115374855 and 115375411
Card Bugs / Re: Fated Possible Issue
18 January 2023, 04:50:29 PM
Ok, so I probably never let it get to that point; thanks for the clarification
Card Bugs / Fated Possible Issue
18 January 2023, 03:17:11 PM
Unsure if this is a bug or if I'm just not understanding how the mechanic is being implemented, but when a card is "Fated" I'm not ever seeing a choice to put on the bottom, only the top, of the deck.  This has occurred twice for me, but the last time was in game 115370277
Just playing my first Mapmaker game right now, and holy crap is this a bad setup.  Cannot agree with Adam more, this needs to change.
Sorry, should have noted, I did still get the +1 action.  It just didn't put the Villa in my hand.  And the game had an issue (reported in the connection thread) so that's probably why it didn't load for you.
Game 114260639

In the chat box got a message (in red) saying that it seemed that I had lost connection to the server.  Attempted to reload the game, as well as log in on another device, and it was unable to do so; however, when I canceled and resigned it went back to the lobby just fine.  (And I was winning, damnit!)

ETA:  I'm actually unable to start a new game; it will load the lobby just fine, but when I click "Start Search" nothing happens
Card Bugs / Possible Villa/Sheepdog Interaction Bug?
03 January 2023, 01:28:15 AM
Not sure if this is a bug or I'm just confused about the mechanic, but when I used a Workshop to gain a Villa, and triggered the Sheepdogs in my hand first, the Villa never went into my hand.  If I chose the Villa to go into my hand first, everything worked fine. 

Game 114260639
This is still an issue with Travellers.  Game 113975530
Card Bugs / Can't select auto feature
22 December 2022, 08:04:33 PM
Game 113550262
Playing with Torturer, attempting to set the automatic do not discard when unnecessary, and it would not allow me to select that.  Opponent had same issue.
General Discussion / Re: I cant "continue with bots"
19 December 2022, 08:41:27 PM
Quote from: Ingix on 18 December 2022, 10:25:59 PM
Many sources for this problem have been fixed with the new release (1.7, including the full Plunder set). It did happen before preview week that you could't continue a game, but really rarely.

I was just able to continue a game with Lord Rattington after a resignation by my opponent; seems to be fixed
Support / Re: Can't Turn Off the Points Being VIsible
19 December 2022, 08:39:32 PM
Quote from: ceviri on 19 December 2022, 04:06:05 AM
We've been a little busy with getting the Plunder stuff ready for release, but we'll look into this now.

That's a pretty lame excuse; your job is to provide a service that works, for which we pay a not insubstantial sum.  Do your job and we won't complain.  Otherwise, provide partial refunds to all of us.
I use Firefox on a PC, Windows 10
Not fixed in the game I'm currently playing (113260856, with Page); while you can select each of the Travellers from the sidebar, when you select one the images that pull up of the others are not selectable.
Any word on when this is going to be fixed?
You used to be able to right click on the split pile, then right click on the other card that it showed (i.e. Settlers/Bustling Village).  Now, if you right click on the split pile, it shows both cards, but you can't select the second card to be able to read it more closely or set auto-actions. 

Game 112985859